Edgar W. Bagnell, who learned to fly at Newport News, Va., in 1915, died at a nursing home in
Berkeley, California, on August 27, 1958 after a six months illness. Burial was in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale.
Mr. Bagnell. was born in 1890 near McCool, Nebraska and became interested in aviation directly after
the first flights of the Wright Brothers. He became a member of the Nebraska National Guard and later served in the Army. Taking over
command of the 191st Combat Reconnaissance Squadron, he and his outfit trained for duty in France and were ready to leave for
overseas when the armistice was signed.
After the war, Bagnell went to work for Glenn Curtiss as a test pilot at Houston, Texas. He later was
active in the fleet truck industry, racing car business, advertising field , and outdoor sign painting, and piloted for a Mexican airline. In
his later years he worked as a skilled machinist in Glendale, Calirofnia. He was the subject of a lengthy article in the San Fernando
Valley Times in 1953.
This from The Early Birds of Aviation CHIRP
November, 1958 Number 60