Adorno Cammarota
Adorno Cammarota
Courtesy of Maurizio Lanza, 1-2-08

  Biography In Memorium Resources  

Via email from Giovanni Giorgetti, 10-10-04
     Cammarota Adorno Enrico, was born on November 22, 1882 at Rocca d'Arazzo, Italy. Italian flight licence N° 13 on October 1910 at Buc (B). He had an engineering degree and was civil pilot. Enrico Cammarota was killed in a crash on December 3, 1910, at Centocelle (Roma), with Castellani Giovanni, engineer.
     From the book "PIONIERI DELL'AVIAZIONE IN ITALIA", autor Mario Cobianchi, Editoriale Aeronautico - Roma - Via Ripense 1 (Ufficio dipendente dal Ministero dell'Aeronautica) - 1943.

Daily Journal and Tribune,
Knoxville, Tennessee: December 4, 1910,
Transcribed by Bob Davis - 11-19-03
"Rome, Dec. 3. - An aeroplane carrying an Italian officer and a private fell from a height of eighty feet at the military gtounds at Centocelle this afternoon. Both men were instantly killed. The aeroplane, which was a Farman machine, was in charge of Engineer Cammarota and the accident appears to have been due to an attempt to make a short turn."
Bob Davis

     If you search for "Enrico Cammarota", using the Google search engine, (1-22-05), you will find about 44 links, most of them in Italian. One of them, cited immediately below, is especially helpful.

     This page on the Aeroporto Cammarota website offers very nice resumé of his life and career. It also bears a nice photograph of him sitting in his aeroplane. You can access the page in Italian by clicking on the title above. If you need the English version, you can access it directly from the Google page.

     Mario Cobianchi wrote this very interesting book in the year 1943 and he died in the 1944. The book isn't for sale and in Italy there are only 11 copies in the libraries. It is the source of the information on other Italian pioneers which I have sent to you including Giuseppe Cei, Pasqua marquis Ugolino Vivaldi, Mario Calderara and Adorno Enrico Cammarota
Photo & text courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 10-10-04

Enrico Cammarota was killed in a crash on Dicember 3, 1910,
at Centocelle (Roma), with Castellani Giovanni, engineer.


---La doppia sciagura aviatoria di Centocelle--
     Un'altra dolorosa sciagura ha colpito la scuola militare di aviazione di Roma, a Centocelle. Ivi la sera del 3. dopo uno giornata di frequenti e riuscitissimi voli, il tenente del genio, ing. Cammarota, istruttore dei piloti (patentato aviatore a Mourmelon un anno la) volle fare ancora un volo con l'apparecchio da passeggieri, portando seco il soldato Castellani, bravissimo meccanico, che, dei molti addetti alla scuola, non aveva ancora avuta la soddisfazione di fare un volo. L'apparecchio s'innalzò benissimo, compiendo due o tre giri, all'altezza di poco piu di venti metri; ma gli osservatori, ufficiali e soldati, notarono, in un ultimo giro, che la coda dell'apparecchio volgeva in basso. D'un tratto, in una virata, l'apparecchio fu veduto piegarsi tutto sulla destra e precipitare, e, in un attimo, fra l'angoscioso accorrere dei presenti, l'ing. Cammarota e il suo compagno giacevano moribondi sul terreno, fra i rottatmi dell'aeroplano'.....Furono raccolti ancora in vita, ma durante il tragitto da Centocelle all'ospedale militare spirarono'....
     L'ing. Enrico Cammarota, nativo di Alessandria (Piemonte) aveva studiato a Roma, dove suo padre era provveditore agli studi aveva esercitata per alcuni anni la professione di ingegnere civile, poi, innamoratosi dell'aviazione, era andato per un paio de anni in Francia, dove avena ottenuto il diploma, e. tornato a Roma, aveva dati gli c esami ed era stato accolto a Centocelle, come istruttore, avendo anche il brevetto di sottotenente di complemento del genio. A Roma viveva di scapolo, sua madre, due anni sono, rimasta vedove, essendosi ritirata in Alsssandria, dove viveve in continue ansie per la passione aviatoria onde suo figlio cra stato preseo, Il Cammarota era coraggioso e prudente, e dotato di un sangue freddo meraviglioso, Il giorno in cui preciptó il compianto tenente Saglietti, egli pure volava e vide la catastrofe dell'amico, ma non si turbó e continuó il proprio volo. la desgrazia che ha coudotto a morte lui ed il bravo motorista Castellani -- che doveva andare in congedo quest'anno -- e attribuita ad un troppo brusco viraggio comandato al timone di profondita dal. Cammarota, che certo erasi accorto che la coda deIl'apparecchio se abbassava.
---The double aviation tragedy of Centocelle---
      Another painful disaster has struck the military aviation school in Rome, at Centocelle. There on the evening of the third, after a day of frequent and very successful flights, the Engineer, Lieutenant Cammarota, pilot instructor, (licensed as aviator at Mourmelon a year ago), wanted to make another flight in the aircraft with passengers, taking with him the soldier Castellani, an excellent mechanic, who, one of the many attached of the school, had not yet had the satisfaction of making a flight. The aircraft rose very well, making two or three circles, at just over twenty meters in altitude, but the observers, officers and soldiers, noticed, in a last lap that the tail of the aircraft dropped. Now, suddenly in a turn, the aircraft was seen to swerve to the right and fall, and, in an instant, between the hush of anguished group, engineer Cammarota and his companion lay dying on the ground among the aircraft wreckage ''..... They were found still alive, but during the journey from Centocelle, to the military hospital, they passed away'...
     Engineer Enrico Cammarota was born in Alessandria (Piedmont) and had studied in Rome, where his father was provost. For few years he had followed the profession of civil engineer, then became enamored of aviation, was away for a couple of years in France, where had obtained his pilots license. He had returned to Rome and had taken the exams and was accepted at Centocelle as an instructor, having also the rank of Engineers reserve second lieutenant. In Rome, he lived as a bachelor, his mother having been a widow for two years and, having withdrawn to Alessandria where she lived in constant anxiety about the aviation passion in which her son had been consumed. Cammarota was courageous and prudent, guided by a cold intellect. The day that lieutenant Saglietti crashed, he also was flying and observed the death of his friend, but he wasn't to be deterred and continued to fly. The error which had caused him and the skilled engineer Castellani to die, has been attributed to a too abrupt turning commanded to the helm of the depth by Cammarota, who certainly had noticed that the tail of the aircraft was dropping. Castellani was going to retire this year.
Collection of Maurizio Lanza, 1-6-08
English translation courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti

Editor's Note:
If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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