
AKA Jean Cei
Giuseppe Cei
Giuseppe Cei
LE CROTOY - Ecole d'Aviation des Freres CAUDRON
L-R: Cei and René Caudron
Photo courtesy of Valerio Vallini, 4-14-05
Ing. Cei - Allievo.
(Foto V. Falomo)

Photo courtesy of Valerio Vallini, 6-17-04

via email from Valerio Vallini, 6-5-04
      I'm a 23 year old boy from Pisa, Italy. In the village where I live there's the grave of Giuseppe Cei (or Joseph Cei in English or Jean Cei in French, but he was Italian). He died on 28 March 1911 near Puteaux. I'm surprised that in all the sites of the world dealing with pioneers of aviation, he isn't mentioned. He was quite famous in France such that President Fallieres called him "Le roi de l'air". He flew around the Eiffel tower on 19 March 1911. He attended the school of the Caudron brothers at Le Crotoy, and before he became engineer at the school Roche of Paris. He was so crazy as to fly under the Senna river's bridges..
     Could you say to me if you have any document dealing with him? Sorry for my English and thanks so much. My only purpose is to give him his right to be remembered as a great pilot. Maybe people don't remember him as a great pilot because when he died he was only 22 years old.
     Thanks for answering me!

Giuseppe Cei
L'aviatore italiano GIUSEPPE CEI, che ha volato a 800 metri d'altezza sopra Parigi (Paris - France).
The Italian aviator GUISEPPE CEI, who has flown
to an altitude of 800 meters over Paris, France

Photo courtesy of Carlo Carlesi and Giorgio Giorgi,
authors of the article on Giuseppe Cei, written in the book
OLTRE L'AZZURRO, homage for the clients of the bank
Cassa di Risparmio di Pisa, Pacini Editore (Publisher) Pisa, Italy - 1883.
Courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 10-22-04

Alessandro Cagno
Cagno, Cobianchi and Cei - Pordenone 1910

via email from Giovanni Giorgetti, 10-10-04
      Giuseppe Cei was born on January 25, 1889 at Cascina (Pisa), Italy. French flight N° 353 on February 1, 1911 at Le Crotoy (B.), Italian flight licence N° 35 bis. He had an engineering degree. Cei Giuseppe was killed in a crash on March 28, 1910, near the isle Rotschild at Puteaux (France).
      From the book "PIONIERI DELL'AVIAZIONE IN ITALIA", autor Mario Cobianchi, Editoriale Aeronautico - Roma - Via Ripense 1; (Ufficio dipendente dal Ministero dell'Aeronautica) - 1943.

Gianni Cei
Great grandson of Giuseppe Cei, 10-28-05
     I'm from Cascina, near Pisa, where Giuseppe lived. He was my grandpa's parent.
     Thank you from my family
PS. I've the private pilot licence too...!

Editor's Note: My thanks to Gianni for identifying himself as being the great-grandson of Giuseppe and for reporting that he is carrying on with Giuseppe's love of aviation.
PS..I think I see a family resemblance between Gianni and the photo of Giuseppe in the oval frame above. What do you think?

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