
English Version
Waldino Correa
Courtesy of Eloy Martín
via email from Eloy Martìn,
Mayor de Artillería Waldino Correa
He was born in Villa Dolores, province of Catamarca the 18 of August of 1870. He entered to the Military School the 14 of March of 1889 and the 20 of November of 1894 he was graduated as an artillery officer with order of merit 22 in the promotion Nº 20. He was Expeditionary to the Desert and engineer militar.

He was one of the pillars in the birth of Argentine aviation. To the 21 hours of the 13 of January of 1908, in opportunity of subscription of the original Act of the Aero Argentine Club, carried out in the halls the Society Sportiva Argentina, actively participated like vowel next to Colonel Arturo Macario Lugones (vice-president 1ro) and the Greater Isaac Jose de Oliveira Cézar (vocal) substitute. It is possible to indicate that, between the objectives fixed by the institution dean of national aviation, 1º was stipulated in its article, separated d) and e), the offer to the Ministry military to organize the aerostation militar.

In 1908 he was one of that they subscribed the act of foundation of the Aero Argentine Club and one evolved like vowel of first directive commission of the institution until the 3 of December of 1910. Later 2º carried out the position of Vice-president. In certain opportunity their professional activities forced it to present/display the resignation to the position, but it was rejected to him per act of the 11 of August of 1911 and continued until its replacement by its companion of promotion and friend, the Lieutenant colonel Enrique Carlos Mosconi Argentinean (Act Nº 69).

He was an effective one and unconditional collaborator of the Engineer Jorge Alexander Newbery and in lapse 1908-1909, carried out an interesting activity in the field of the technical and practical aerostation. After Aaron Felix Martin de Anchorena (brevet Nº 1), J.A. Newbery (Brevet Nº 2), the 9 of 1908 July obtained the following title of Pilot Aeronaut (brevet Nº 3). Like it was tradition in the globe pilots, for his flights it had a pennant of red and black color with a star blanca.

The 7 of February of 1908 initiated their practical activity that it consisted of accompanying to Newbery Engineer in an ascent of the globe "Pampero" in a flight between the Society Sportiva Argentina, whose sport facilities were in the estates that at the moment the Argentine Field of Pole in the district of Palermo and the locality of the Harmony in a flight of 5:25 occupies hours of duration. The 19 of April made a flight with the Dr Eduardo Newbery. The 8 of August of 1909 made a new flight, this time to the control of the Patriotic one uniting the districts of Belgrano and Devotee Villa in 1 flight hour and taking like passenger to another artilleryman, Greater the Sandy grounds Antonio Uriburu.

The 12 of September, in occasion of the dispute of the Patriotic Glass, donated by Juan Danter, on board obtained the second position of "the Patriotic" globe, after Newbery Engineer (Globe "Hurricane"). Lamentably its military activity prevailed of its capacity to the aerial activity. It happened to retirement with the Greater degree of the 12 of May of 1920. As a result of a disease it passed away in the city of Buenos Aires the 31 of January of 1922.

Courtesy of Eloy Martín, Argentina

      If you search for "Waldino Correa" using Google, (6-26-06), you will find about 39 links. Most of them offer only brief mention of his exploits.

Waldino Correa died in 1922

If you have any more informatino regarding this pioneer aviator,
please contact me
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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