
AKA Arsène de Manet
Born in Liège , 08-01-1884 , Matricule 14170 officer
Pilots licence nr 60,on 30-07-1912 , Squadron leader of 1st Esc. ( Chasse)
Died at Landuyt from a shrapnell wound
on the eve of the Armistice 10-11-1918.
Contributed by Axel Collee, 7-4-10

Contributed by Guy, 11-20-12
08.01.1884 Naissance à Liège
22.12.1904 Elève sous-lieutenant
28.05.1907 A l’artillerie
25.12.1910 Lieutenant au 1er régiment d’artillerie
01.04.1911 Incorporé dans le 2e groupe
          1911 Renvoyé dans son unité d’origine, cause
                  cours non conforme aux besoins
12.03.1912 Désigné pour la 1e série à l’Ecole d’aviation
15.03.1912 Détaché à l’Ecole d’aviation Militaire
20.07.1912 Brevet civil belge FAI n° 60
30.07.1912 Brevet militaire
09.11.1912 Aviateur militaire
15.10.1913 Compagnie des aviateurs, commandant de la
                    1e escadrille à Ans
01.08.1914 Commandant de la 1e escadrille, sur HF,
                   à Brasschaet
28.02.1915 Capitaine aviateur
31.03.1915 Commandant de la 1e escadrille, à
                   Koksijde-St Idesbald
     06.1915 Sur Bébé Nieuport N10
21.07.1916 Capitaine-commandant aviateur détaché du 1er
                   régiment d’artillerie
03.04.1917 Muté au 7e Régiment d’artillerie
11.11.1918 + Tué par un éclat d’obus à sa batterie
                   d’artillerie à Landuyt, à 10.50 heures, dix
                   minutes avant la fin
                   de la guerre...

London Times
25 September 1912
Collection of Steve Brew, 10-15-05
     ANTWERP, Sept. 24.A military biplane fell while making a flight last evening at the Aerodrome of Braaeschact, near here. Lieutenant van Loo had both legs broken, but his companion, Lieutenant de Manet, escaped unhurt.---

     If you search for "Arsène Demanet", using the Google search engine, (7-4-10), you will find six links.

1ère Escadrille de Chasse
     This page on THE AERODROME website offers a summary of the group, which includes a mention of de Manet. You can access the page by clicking on the title above.

     This page on The Wargamer website offers a mention of "Captain Arsene Demanet" as Commanding Officer of Esc 9 between the dates 22 Feb 15 to 10 Jun 16. You will find many more details of the group, offered as being authentic. You can access the page by clicking on the title above. You may want to use your FIND function on "Manet" to locate his entry on the page.

First 100 Belgian Pilots
     This page lists Lt. de Manet as receiving Licence n° 60 (30.07.1912). You can access the page by clicking on the title above. If time permits, I recommend that you study the other entries on the page, many of which offer important basic information and links to other features of their lives and careers.

Arsène Demanet died November 10, 1918
from First 100 Belgian Pilots
If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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