"Mackay Aviation Trophy Awarded"
Knoxville Journal and Tribune,
Knoxville, Tennessee: December 24, 1914,
Transcribed by Bob Davis - 3-4-07
"San Diego, Dec. 23. - Captain Townsend F. Dodd, piloting tractor
No. 28, with Lieutenant Shepler W. Fitzgerald as observer, won the third
annual contest for the Mackay aviation trophy here today when he descended
at North Island after a trip of three hours and three minutes.
The contest for the Mackay trophy involved serial reconnaissance of troops
maneuvering in the vicinity of San Diego and reports of their numbers and
Accidents eliminated all machines but No.28 and the trophy would not have
been awarded had not Lieutenant Fitzgerald handed into the judges a comprehensive and accurate report of the composition and
location of the troops.
The Mackay cup is awarded for combined endurance, altitude, efficiency and
other requirements of military aviation." |