Gordon K. Hood
The Story of Syracuse Airport
FROM a large meadow a modern airport grew. That is the story of the present Syracuse Airport. To men like Gordon Hood, who was sufficiently daring to construct his own first ship and teach himself to fly, to George Cerat, Ernie Hannann, Dr. H. C. Luther, George Freeman, Shorty Bitner, Chuck Lipe, Pete Kincaid and others of the same calibver, should go our thanks for the development of this fine field.
     In 1926 the present field was but a large meadow. About then Ernie Hannann and Dr. H. C. Luther erected the first hangar. This was nothing more than a corrugated sheet shed, large enough for two ships. There were two other ships nightly covered and staked on the field itself-one owned by Shorty Bitner and the other the property of the Pioneer Flying CLub. This flying club was the first of its type and sponsored by Gordon Hood. With ten students and an old Curtis Jenney, costing $600.00, the group took to the air. The students did their flying either early in the morning or late at night, starting a five o'clock A.M. and then continuing from five P.M. until dark. In those ;ioneer days aviators were under the impression that the air was smoother and safer either early in the morning or late at night. After this auspicious start, there was rapid progress at the field.
     In the latter part of 1926 the original airport was leased by the City of Syracuse under the sponsorship of Mayor Charles G. Hanna. Gordon Hood was appointed Field Manager. Shortly thereafter the City purchased the property and erected the first municipal hangar in July, 1927. Due to rapid growth, it was necessary to add an additional municipal hangar the following May. Constant usage made necessary the enlargement of all facilities at the Airport. Benefited greatly by the constant demand and aided by the Crouse-Hinds Company, which used the airport as an experimental station, Syracuse Airport became one of the first and best artificially lighted fields in the East.
     Today the Airport consists of 200 acres of land, an administration building,
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