I need a photo of him. If you can help, please contact me.

from Who's Who in American Aeronautics, 1928

Maj., Air Corps; born, Woodward, Ia., Feb 2, 1894
     Aeronautical Activities and War Service: J. Military Aviator, March 1917 at San Diego, Cal.; joined first Aero Sqdn. on border, April, 1917; sailed with Sqdn for France, Aug. 1917; trained in France, Italy and later in the American schools in France; first American pilot to qualify as a Caproni pilot; served with French in a night bombing squadron at front; American Air Corps Representative to Italy 1917; served ten months on Gen Staff G. H. Q. in G3 Section; instructor at Gen Service Schools on Air Corps Command Staff School, 1922 to 1923; Dir of Instruction and later Assistant Commandant Air Corps Tactical School, Langley Field, Va., July 1923 to 1925; war College Sept 1926-June 1927; transferred to Paris to attend Ecole de Guerre Superieure.
     Flying Rating: Jr. Military Aviator; Civilian Pilot license; Airplane Pilot.
     Present Occupation: Major, Air Corps, Address: c/o Ecole de Guerre Superieure, Paris France.
Editor's Note: This information comes from the CD Who's Who in American Aeronautics, 1928. It is just one of many valuable resources which are available from Steve Rhode's RareAviation.Com. It may be accessed by clicking on:

via email from Noelle Naiden, 12-24-03
      Earl Naiden was the son of H.R. Naiden and Carrie Sanks, of Woodward, Iowa. His brother was Fred Sanks Naiden, who became an engineer in Iowa - he married Maude Snider who then had Neil David Naiden and James Naiden.
      Neil David Naiden was my father, and my brother is named for our grandfather, Fred Sanks Naiden.
      Anyone who is a relative of Earl L. Naiden is a relative of mine, also. But I don't know who Earl married, and who came later. Earl went to England and managed to find Naiden relatives there, during WWII, but evidently they didn't want a whole lot to do with us Americans. There was some riff between the father of H.R. Naiden, who was also Henry Naiden of Edgerton, Wisconsin, (he married a Duxbury) because he or his parents up and left England. The relatives must have been miffed because they still wouldn't talk to Earl when he found them.
      So if relatives of Earl show up let them know there are others.
Noelle Naiden

via email from James Naiden, 1-14-04
     I am the first cousin of Noelle Naiden, and eldest grandchild of Fred Naiden. My father, James Sr., and Noelle's father, Neil, were brothers.
      I remember one thing my father said about Earl Naiden when he died, just as the plane over Oregon developed engine trouble. He said, "Set her down gently." But the plane crashed near Medford, OR, and there were no survivors. He was on his way to meet his nephew, Neil Naiden (Noelle's father) and his fiancee, Eulaine (who became the mother of Noelle and Fred II, d. 1984).
     Anyway, Earl was also known to be somewhat abrasive in his career. He once told off a British general and was later demoted back to Colonel for it, but managed to earn back his general's stars as World War II progressed.
James Naiden
14 January 2004

via email from Byron James, 4-7-04
Mr. Cooper

I am Byron James, residing in Piedmont, CA. Age 75.

My Mother's family (Sholars) were from Monroe LA. My Aunt (now deceased) was Satchie Sholars Cooper Naiden. She married Earl while he was commander of Selman Field, Monroe, LA. They were married at the time of his death. The dates are very vague in my memory, but I do remember the time of his death in 1944 because of my mother's grieving on that day.

This may add a small part to Earl's record.


     If you search for "Earl Naiden", using the Google search engine, (11-27-07), you will find about 25 links, including one to this page. Among the most helpful are the following.
AFHRA Personal Papers
      You will find a brief but useful biography of Br. Gen. Naiden on this Air Force Historical Research website. You may access his page by clicking on the title above.
      If time permits, I recommend that you visit the homepage by clicking on the name of the website above. On it uou will find an extensive collection of personal papers and many other items of interest.

      Colonel Earl L. Naiden commanded the field in 1942. To read a complete and interesting history of the field, click on the title above. You may want to use the "FIND" function on "Naiden" to locate his entry on the page.

Gen Earl Larue Naiden
      John Andrew Prime has just set up this very nice memorial to Gen. Naiden on the Find A Grave website. You can access it by clicking on the title.
Earl L. Naiden died in 1944
From The Early Birds of Aviation
Roster of Members
January 1, 1993

Editor's Note:
If you have any information on this Early Bird,
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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