Matthew B. Sellers Day
at the
Aviation Museum of Kentucky, Inc
March 3, 2008

Matthew B. Sellers
Matthew B. Sellers
John Clark "Jack" Sellers
Matthew's son
Collection of Barbara Sellers, 8-26-08
Jack addresses the assembly
Collection of Barbara Sellers, 8-26-08

Matthew B. Sellers Day
via email from Barbara Sellers, 8-26-08
Hi Ralph,
     We were in Kentucky for the reading of the resolutions in the House and Senate declaring March 29th "Matthew B. Sellers Day" and at the museum for the celebration of 100 years of his flight. Below are the news clips.


Matthew B. Sellers
Sellers Quadraplane Replica
Collection of Barbara Sellers, 8-26-08

Jack Sellers
Sellers Quadraplane
Jack Sellers at the Podium
Collection of Barbara Sellers, 8-26-08

Matthew B. Sellers
John Blakemore Sellers - Cmdr. John Clark "Jack" Sellers - Barbara Sellers - Robin Benson
Collection of Barbara Sellers, 8-26-08

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