George W. Williams, Jr.
George W. Williams, Jr.
Collection of Ron Gates, 5-26-09

George W. Williams, Jr.
Early Bird Monument
Collection of Ron Gates, 5-26-09

via email from Ron Gates,
Bell County Historical Commission, 5-26-09
Mr. Cooper:
     I am Ron Gates of Temple ( Bell County ), Texas, a past chairman of the Bell County Historical Commission. In the 70's our commission erected a Texas Historical Marker recognizing the fact that in the late 20' s airplanes were being manufactured in Temple....the Temple Monoplane.
     At the same time a local pilot had erected an "Early Bird" monument next to the THC marker, recognizing Early Bird George Williams, one of the principals of the airplane factory. Due to highway construction started in 2004, the marker and monument were taken down and stored by the Texas Department of Transportation. Now that construction is nearly complete we moved to have them re-installed. The Department of Transportation has lost them, they have assured us that they will be replaced and in the case of the Texas Historical Commission marker that is no problem...the records still exists and the Commission is still using the same foundry.
     The Early Bird monument is another case. We have good pictures of it and the pilot who had it erected is still living. He said the monument is a brass casting with the Early Bird emblem and Mr. Williams name and probably other information. He says he obtained the casting from the Early Bird organization and it came from California. He is checking to see if he has additional documentation.
     Can you help us in getting another casting?
Ron Gates

George W. Williams, Jr. died in 1931
From The Early Birds of Aviation
Roster of Members
January 1, 1993

Editor's Note:
If you have any information on this Early Bird,
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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