The Aeronautic Society of New York  
  war, and on the second gave a most instructive demonstration of the nature of high ex-
plosives, with fascinating experiments, entirely clearing away any ideas that the day was
near when a small pocketful of dynamite or Maximite would keep the engine of an aero-
plane going indefinitely---or any way at all worth considering. Elmer A. Sperry described
the uses of the new active form of gyroscope and its possible application to an aeroplane
for giving equilibrium, and exhibited an instrument of his won design in action.
Professor Herschel C. Parker spoke of the possibilities of the aeroplane in scientific moun-
taineering and exploration. R. B. Whitman lectured twice on the explosive engine, first
telling of the development of ignition, and later describing the action and balance of
four-cycle engines. Hugo C. Gibson also lectured on internal combustion engines.
A. C. Triaca told the secrets of ballooning, and on a subsequent occasion F. W.
White gave a remarkable display of photographs and moving pictures which formed
one of the completest lessons possible in ballooning. W. R. Kimball explained the principle
of the helicopter. J. N. Williams also lectured on that subject. A. Leo Stevens gave stories
of his experiencdes in the air. E. T. Birdsall told of the relationship between screws on boats
and aerial propellers. Thomas A. Hill dealt with the general theory of propellers. R. W.
Jamieson told how to "lay out" a propeller of true pitch, and described the method of
using his own device. W. J. Hammer narrated the history of the dirigible, and described
the early aeroplane of Sir Hiram S. Maxim and told of a ride he had in this machine when
propelled over the mile track at Baldwyn's Park, England, in 1892. Frederick Wein-
burg dealt with the powers and limits of light motors. Carlos de Zafra described
modern naval armaments with a very find series of pictures. George A. Cove told
of how he got electricity direct from the rays of the sun, and of the possibilities of the
wireless transmission of power. Geo. Bold lectured on airships. Dr. S. B. Battey described
early efforts at wings on dirigibles. H. Meixner told of the possibilities of an airship
crossing the ocean by taking advantage of the trade winds. Dr. Lee de Forest described
wireless telegraphy and its applicabilities to aeroplanes. James H. Scarr, who has charge of
the local weather bureau at New York, told about wind currents and other air phenomena in
a most interesting lecture on things an aeroplanist ought to learn about. Lawrence J. Lesh
spoke of the methods of testing propellers, and gave experiments with various model pro-
pellers and an electric turntable devised by him for the purpose. Geo. A. Spratt defined the
various wings found in nature, and the lessons to be learned from them. These occur to the
memory among the many that were given.
     Among those who have addressed the Society incidentally have been A. M. Herring,
who gave advice on the use of a glider; Glenn H. Curtiss, and Octave Chanute, who, with
the Brothers Wright, is numbered among the Society's honorary members, honored the
members at a meeting with remarks based on the results of his long experience. The
name of Octave Chanute will ever be linked with that of the late lamented Secretary of the
Smithsonian Institution, Samuel P. Langley, and that of Sir Hiram P. Maxim, for to these
men we owe more than to all others the placing of the science of aviation on a dignified
scientific and engineering basis. Their theoretical and experimental researches and demon-
strations laid the foundation and set the example for the host of followers in their footsteps.
  IT is certain that in this list of accomplishments and efforts the writer will have forgotten
much that has been done. He will have done so inadvertently. He has tried to recall
everything. But there will also have been much that he has not know of. If he has
left out any name or omitted anytnbing, he wishes here to express his apologies, and to
assure those who would thus appear to have been slighted that it has been done entirely
through ignorance on his part; that he has compiled this story of the Society's doings
simply from memory, and did not have time to communicate with any of the members,
which in fact, it was thought could be done for some subsequent volume that would be
written my the members themselves.

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