BUFFALO, N.Y. 1926-1930 |
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The "Aircoupe" is a modern enclosed type of airplane for the Businessman or Sportsman who seeks the greatest possible comfort in air
travel. Its appoiontments aare strictly modern and of the best obtainable---the seats being upholstered in deep, durable material of the
finest quality. All hardware, such as the rudder pedals, control stick, door handles and motor controls, is fully nickled. In fact, nothing but
the best finish will be found in every detail throughout. Not only will you find a constant use for the "Aircoupe," but a genuine pleasure and pride in its ownership too, as well as a constant feeling of safety and security while piloting it. |
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The "Airsport" is a two-place, open cockpit, side by side high wing monoplane---a plane for those who wish to fly an open machine and
get a thrill without sacrifice of comfort, safety and economy. Its appointments are the equal in every respect of those of the
"Aircoupe." With unexcelled vision in all directions, a roomy cockpit and rugged construction, the Elias Convertible Feature makes the "Airsport" an ideal training plane. (See Convertible Feature details below.) Training schools with a minimum of instruction, may permit their students to solo in the "Airsport" with comparative safety. Also their profits will be greater because more students can be put through in a given time. Furthermore, the low operating cost of the "Airsport" makes it the best possible investment for a training plane. |
This convertible feature is found only in the E. C. 1, it being strictly original with Elias. It makes it possible at any time to change from an open to a cabin plane or vice versa by the purchase of the required parts at a small cost. |
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They are interchangeable with the original equipment without any fitting, the change being made in a
short time without disassembling but a part of the plane. When purchased with an open cockpit, it is know as the "Airsport." When purchased with an enclosed cockpit it is known as the "Aircoupe." The E. C. 1 is designed in accordance with the U. S. Department of Commerce regulations and should not be confused with the various light commercial planes built before these regulations went into effect. nor is it designed merely to meet the Department of Commerce requirements, but goes far beyond their requirements. Safety was the prime consideration in designing the E. C. 1 both as to flying qualities and structure. It has an exceptionally flat gliding angle, low landing speed and instantaneous response to the controls at all speeds. High factors of safety are maintained at all points with the landing gear exceptionally high in this respect which permits a four to five-foot pancake landing without bouncing or danger. Also the extra wide tread landing gear eliminates ground looping difficulties. All fittings are of alloy steel, carefully heat-treated and then cadmium plated. Every important fitting is in sight for easy inspection. In fact, the complete inspection of fittings, controls and all control cables can be made in a few minutes, thereby inviting a periodical check-up---a feature of safety which permits you to know the condition of your plane at all times. The E. C. 1 is exceptionally easy to fly. If left uncontrolled in an abnormal attitude it will right itself almost instantly and continue flying in a normal attitude. You can put it into a stall with full power, remove your hands from the controls and close the throttle---yet the E. C. 1 will gently settle flat and go into a glide. Or force the E. C. 1 into a steep dive with full power on, remove your hands from the controls, and again it will come out into normal flying attitude. Or shut the power off while in the dive and you will get the same result. Under no circumstances will the E. C. 1 go into a spin through a stall, but will always settle flat and go into a glide---a safety feature found in few if any other plane. With hands off the controls, the E. C. 1 will fly for any length of time in rather rough weather. "banks" and "figure eights" may be made by use of the rudder alone, and always without getting into a abnormal flying attitude. The E. C. 1 flies and maneuvers with the same performance as expected of the Slotted Wing plane---yet it avoids the peculiar feel and the complicated attachments of that particular type of plane. The E. C. 1 was designed specifically to attain this special performance, thereby providing a safe and economical airplane for the amateur to fly---in fact, a plane that anyone can fly with only a few hours training. To attain these characteristics in a small plane, necessitated departing from many accepted aviation standards, otherwise it would merely have meant the adding of another airplane to the market. No other light plane can safely meet the performance of the E. C. 1, because it is the only plane having these specific characteristics; a plane that insures maximum safety. In designing the E. C. 1 special attention was given to the comfort of both pilot and passenger. In the "Aircoupe" they are seated side by side in comfortable, well upholstered seats with plenty of leg room. The method of cabin ventilation has been given special attention. Exceptional range of vision is provided through safety windows in front and large sliding windows in the door. Unobstructed vision is one of the outstanding features. The fuselage is low and can be entered through a large, conveniently located door with the same ease as entering an automobile---no climbing or high stepping necessary to get into this plane. A baggage compartment with ample capacity for small parcels, is located under the streamline of the cabin or cockpit over the fuselage. This compartment can be filled or emptied while standing on the ground, avoiding the need of getting into the fuselage. |
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The "Aircoupe" has a high speed of 96 miles per hour and will cruise comfortably at around 85 miles per hour, while the "Airsport" has a high speed of 110 miles per hour and will cruise comfortably at 96 miles per hour. The low landing speed with good take-off and climb, and reserve power for getting out of small fields, appeals to every pilot. Through simplicity of design and interchangeability of parts, production costs have been reduced. Many parts are interchangeable, such as right and left aileron, right and left elevators and rudder, and right and left fitting throughout the entire airplane. In fact, the only right and left hand parts are the wings and the landing gear, V's. Dealers should consider this carefully, as it reduces their spare parts investment greatly. The fuselage is of welded steel tube construction, with no tie rods or brace wires; a structure which cannot get out of alignment. Also being rust proofed, it has long life. Chrome-molybdenum steel tubing of extra diameter and wall thickness is used in the entire construction of the fuselage. |
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This view shows the rugged design typical of the E. C. 1 The split axle landing gear with its wide track, exceptional strength and great resilience enables the E. C. 1 to be turned in its own length at fair speed, thereby assuring safer landings. |
The engine mount is also of steel tubing designed so that all parts of the power plant are easily
accessible. The engine can be quickly detached from the fuselage by removing six mounting bolts; also an efficient fire wall is provided
between the engine and seating compartment. The cowling is so designed that by removing a few keys it can be detached from the
fuselage in a few moments. The rear of the fuelage is covered with fabric of the highest grade.
The shock absorber of the landing gear is distinctly an Elias design and is particularly durable and strong, there being no rubber to decay, air pressure to maintain, or glands that need attention. The load is taken up by steel coil springs and hydraulic cylinders prevent bouncing. The tread of wheels (7 feet, 3 inches) is exceptionally wide for a small machine. The tail skid swivels in the rudder post through 180 degrees and is steerable if desired. All working parts are located outside of the fuselage and can be readily inspected at all times. All landing gear working joints have been given special consideration for lubrication and are provided with replacable bronze bushings and Alemite oiling connections. By replacing a bronze bushing, costing only a few cents, it is possible to provide new and tight joints when worn. This is a feature found only in the most expensive machines. The landing gear hinge bolts are tightened and do not turn. Light bearing pressures are maintained at all joints and with the E. C. 1 method of lubrication, these bearings require little or no attention outside of an occasional greasing now and then. This eliminates the necessity of replacing the entire strut which is rather expensive. The stabilizer is stationary and no adjustment is required as the entire useful load is carried near the center of gravity. Light or heavy loads will not affect the balance of the machine. The fin is adjustable on the ground to take up any motor torque that may exist. The wing cellule is of the monoplane semi-cantilever type. The lift truss consists of four struts, extending from the wings to the fuselage. It is very important to note that these lift struts do not attach to fittings welded to the fuselage, but are directly attached to tie rods running through the fuselage, inside of a heavy gauge steel tube which also acts as a compression member. This method of attaching the lift struts eliminates any danger of fitting failure at the fuselage through crystallization due to vibration. The upper end of the struts are fitted with universal fittings, cut from solid nickel steel forgings, heat treated to 125,000 T. S., bearing on aluminum pads on the under side of the beams. This allows the inverted load to be taken on the under side of the beam rather than on the bolts that hold the side plates in place and which carry the lift pads. The side plates are made from chrome-molybdenum steel, heat treated to 150,000 T. S. Structural tests on one of these lift struts show a tensile strength of over 16,700 pounds, while the compression test shows a total support load of over 9,300 pouonds. By the arrangement of the lift struts and the location of the aileron, all possibility of aileron loads causing warping of the wings is entirely eliminated. The wings are constructed of wood with extra thick non-routed spruce beams. The rib webbing is of plywood with spruce cap strip. The entering and trailing edge is of duraluminum, properly heat-treated. The innere end of the beams are connected together over the fuselage with two 5/8-inch heat-treated nickel steel "T" bolts having an actual tensile strength of 20,000 pounds per bolt. large diameter bolts are used to provide proper bearing surface for the cabane struts which terminate together at the center of each beam between the wings. The internal drag or drift wires aare 10-32 tied rods for the two inner bays and 6-40 for the outer bay or wing tip section. The wings, like the fuselage, are fabric covered. The tank is located above the wings over the fuselage giving full gravity feed to the carburetor. Sufficient fuel is carried for five hours at cruising speed. The strainer and water trap is located in a very convenient position where it can be cleaned quickly without need for removing any cowling. The system is so designed that a full supply of gasoline is assured to the carburetor at the most extreme angles of flight and with the elimination of any possibility for air traps. Army and Navy type of flexible tubing connections are used for joints. large size copper tubing is used, properly annealed after forming. A reliable gasoline gauge is fitted in such a position that an accurate reading can be had at all times. Stick control and rudder pedals are used. All pulleys are of bakelite composition and are visible for inspection. The entire system operates very lightly and is so designed that all slack can be readily taken up. All control surface frames, including the ailerons, are of welded, chrome-molybdenum steel tubing and are rustproofed in the same manner ass the fuselage. The covering is fabric. Like every detail in the E. C. 1, the tail skid is of very rugged construction. It automatically steers the machine on a straight course. Steel leaf springs are provided to absorb any shock. The wearing surface is coated with Stellite which will out-wear any other material 20 times. All working parts are exposed and are of the quick detachable type. The standard equipment of the Elias E. C. 1 includes all of the following items without extra cost; wood propeller, oil pressure gauge, gasoline gauge, oil temperature gauge, tachometer, altimeter and a set of tools. Special equipment, such as metal propeller wheel brakes, float type landing gear, additional instruments, etc. can be fitted at extra cost. The Elias Type E. C. 1 is designed to more than meet the required load factors stipulated in the Department of Commerce Airworthiness Certificate, (under which it willl be sold) having a total loaded weight of 1,400 pounds. This is above the usual load and the factors used are for Class 1, which permits the hardest stunting of any class. The safety factors are, therefore, extremely high. Coutesy of Phyllis Cato Ferguson |
To see some additional photographs, click on: Aircoupe. |
To see some additional photographs, click on: Airsport. |
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