Joe Cato, 1912
  GUSTINE BUILT - Joseph L. Cato, is shown in 1912 at the controls of the radical plane he designed and built himself at Gustine. The modern design craft had a 1907 Pope Toledo car engine with four cylinders. It was one of the first planes with fabric on top of a wing as well as under. The revolutionary three-in-one steering mechanism did away with shoulder straps previously used to control the craft in the air. There were no brakes. Cato flew the craft three years after his first solo flight at the Alameda marshes.
Courtesy of Phyllis Cato Ferguson

Joe Cato, 1912
Cato Monoplane, 1911.
Courtesy of Phyllis Cato Ferguson

Joe Cato, 1912
Cato 1911. Also shows engine rebuilt from Pope-Toledo
Courtesy of Phyllis Cato Ferguson

Joe Cato, 1912
Cato 1911. With a little help from his friends.
Courtesy of Phyllis Cato Ferguson

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