"Celebrated Aviator AMERIGO"
Collection of Dave Lam, 1-6-04

1910 Amerigo and his Sommerplane
Collection of Jean-Pierre Lauwers

Collection of Dave Lam, 2-20-05

Collection of Dave Lam, 2-20-05


Using the Google search engine on "Stefano Amerigo" +aviation +1910, you will find only one relevant link.
Antique Postcards for Collectors

This website displays one postcard showing Amerigo in flight, with his portrait at the side. You may go directly to the page by clicking on:
You may want to use the "FIND" button on "Amerigo

Eroi e Pionieri Dell'Ala
Dizionario Biografico dell'Aeronautica Italiana
"Biographical dictionary of the Italian Air Force"
by Enea Grossi
Product Details
Cloth: 122 pages;
Publisher; Milano Arti Grafiche Fratelli Magnani - 1934
Selection from the book
Stefano Amerigo
1885 -
     Nato a Cipressa (Imperia) il 4 settembre 1885.
     Brevetto italiano n. 3 per monoplano.
     Conseguì il brevetto di pilota per monoplano a Johannisthal (Berlin - Germany) nel giugno 1910, brevetto italiano n. 3.
     Si aggiudicò il 10 dicembre successivo il record mondiale di durata con passeggero (ore 3.19'39" di volo). Dall'aviazione francese dove era "Adjutant aviateur" tornò in patria dove conseguì il brevetto militare a Gallarate nel 1916 e partecipò alla guerra contro l'Austria.
     Giorgio Evangelisti, giornalista aeronautico italiano, è dell'opinione che Stefano Amerigo sia andato volontario in guerra nell'aviazione francese nel 1914 e che nel 1915 sia stato richiamato in patria per svolgervi il servizio militare essendo l'Italia entrata in guerra.
     Decoralo di medaglia al valor militare; Croce di guerra francese; Cavaliere della Legion d'Onore.
     Pioniere dell'Aeronautica Italiana.

     He was born in Cipressa (Imperia - Italy) in 1885, September 4. He earned his pilot's license in a monoplane in Johannisthal (Berlin - Germany) on June 2, 1910. On the following December 10, he set the world's endurance record, with a passenger, of 3 hours, 19 minutes and 39 seconds.
     He earned Italian pilot's license No. 3.
     He was a "Warrant Officer," (Adjutant aviateur), in the French Air Force. He returned to his native land where he earned his military pilot's license in Gallarate (Varese - Italy) in 1916 and participated in the war against Austria.
     Giorgio Evangelisti, an Italian aeronautical journalist, thinks that Stefano Amerigo volunteered in the French Air Force in 1914, and during 1915, had been called up to military service for his country inasmuch as Italy had entered the war.
     He was awarded the medal for bravery; French Cross of War; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour.
     He was a true Pioneer of Italian Aviation.

(Translation courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 11-11-05)

The date of his death is not available.
Editor's Note:
If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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