MAKE FLIGHT C. A. BERLIN TELEGRAPHS TO FRIENDS IN CENTRALIA THAT WIND IS TOO HIGH IN SOUTH DAKOTA June 20, 1912 As Sioux Falls is much nearer to Chicago than Centralia is, it is not at all surprising that the wind was very erratic. Mr. Berlin was supposed to have a flight at Reno, but the meet there was called off, so he did not go to that city. He will return to Centralia after he finishes his Sioux Falls engagement, unless he manages to pick up some other flights in the Middle West. Mr. Berlin will probably fly in Portland during the celebration on the 4th of July. Courtesy of Karen L. Johnson |
Courtesy of Karen L. Johnson |
AVIATOR HONORED Claude Berlin Lionized by the Elks at Sioux Falls During Visit There Has Private Automobile and Private Box at His Dis- posal at the Theatre June 22, 1912 Courtesy of Karen L. Johnson |
WILL FLY AT SPOKANE The Coeur d'Alene Fair and Racing association had expected to have flights by Phil O. Parmelee early this month, this exhibition being spoiled by the fatal accident to the aviator at North Yakima. Berlin expects to go from Spokane to Tacoma and Heinman says the young Curtiss pupil is under contract to fly for the edification of the army maneuvers between Centralia, Aberdeen and Tacoma early next month. "Berlin is the first aviator to be paid by the government for an exhibition flight," says Heinman. Berlin made a flight at Sioux Falls, S. D., and will come directly to Spokane from that point. He will use a 60-horsepower Curtiss machine. Courtesy of Karen L. Johnson |
September 18, 1912 Courtesy of Karen L. Johnson |
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