The Weekly Monitor
"The Little Paper with the Big Boost"

Seibert, Kit Carson County, Colorado, Thursday, January 28, 1915

Aviator Bleakley
Famous Airman to be in Seibert
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

     Not in moving pictures but in real life, and will address us each night in the Bijou Hall along the lines of Aviation and it's possibilities and will tell us what an important part flying machines are taking in the present war in Europe.
     Aviator Wm. A. Bleakly was in Seibert last Wednesday, and informed us that he is picking out a route to fly from St. Louis to the Pacific Coast, and said that he will no doubt follow the Rock Island as far as Denver.
      Yesterday, thru the efforts of the management of the Monitor, we persuaded him to return to Seibert the first of next week with the Great Interstate Indoor Circus and lecture to us on aviation each night during their stay here.

Aviator Wm. A. Bleakly
  Mr. Bleakley is a native of Ireland and received his education in tha Trinity College at Dublin. He was the first volunteer in the U. S. Aviation Reserve and at present holds the rank of First Lieutenant. He will be remembered by many as the first aviator to loop the loop in a Hydro-Aeroplane in the United States.
     At the Monitor Office there is on exhibition, an album containing over one hundred and fifty photographs of Mr. Bleakley and his various machines, and a large book containing many interesting stories of his past experiences.

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