
AKA Alberto Braniff Ricard
Alberto Braniff Ricard (left) & Friend
Collection of Pablo Arumbe, 8-7-09

  Mexico City, January 8, 1910. The aviator Alberto Braniff, on board a Voisin aeroplane, is about to takeoff. It is the first time that such a flight has been made in the Mexican Republic.
Ciudad de México, 8 de Enero de 1910. El aviádor Alberto Braniff, a bordo de un aereoplano Voisin, se dispone a alavarse. Es la primera vez que se consume semejante hazaña en la Republica Mexicana.
Extract from Revolución Mexicana / Contrarrevolución en Yucatan"
Vol 61, October 1967
Courtesy of Gerardo Garcia de León

     If you search on "Alberto Braniff" using Google, you will find about 33 links. (10-24-03) You will be rewarded by visiting each of them, especially if you read Spanish. If prefer them in English, many may be translated directly from the Google entry. Among the more important ones are these:

Editor's Note:
If you have any more information on this Early Flier,
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper
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