George Cockburn
George Cockburn
Semaine de l'Aviation at Reims 1909
George Cockburn with his Farman III
Collection of Jean-Pierre Lauwers
George Cockburn with his Farman III
Library of Congress Collection

from Jean-Pierre Lauwers

     George Cockburn, a Scotchman, represented the British Aéro-Club during the Semaine de l'Aviation at Reims 1909 with a Farman III plane type. Unlucky there seen he got each time machanical motor problems!
     Grounded together with Captain J.B.D. FULTON the "Salisbury Plain", airfield 1910 in England. It became Englands first military airfield!

     If you search the net using Google on "George Bertram Cockburn" +aviation, (7-3-10) you will find about 292 links. Among the most helpful are the following.

George Bertram Cockburn
     This entry on Wikipedia offers a very complete and interesting resumé of his life and careers. It discusses his early life and his activities as Research Chemist, Pioneere Aviator, Trainer of Pilots, and Aircraft Inspector. There is a brief mention of family.

Champagne| Berceau De L'Aviation Du Monde
     This website is written in French, but for those of us who don't read the language, there are four photos of great interest. If you are interested, you can cut the text and paste it into the Google translation program.

The First International Aviation Meeting
     This offers a complete day by day narrative of the meet. You will find detailed references to many of the participants and there are many fine photographs to complement the story. To access the site, click on the title.

Cockburn died on February 25, 1931
Editor's Note:
If you have any information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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