Alfred Comte (* 4. June 1895 in Delsberg; ? 1. November 1965 in Zurich) was a Swiss flight pioneer and aircraft manufacturer. Alfred Comte built a motorized bicycle at 15 years of age. At 18 years, he made the pilot light at the französichen Aeroclub den Pilotenschein. During the First World War he served in the Swiss Air Force first as a pilot, later as an instructor. He worked between the world wars as an aerial photographer and established an airline and an aircraft plant. In Oberrieden he built in his factory, from 1923 to 1935 airplanes after his own design. Flugzeutypen under the designations AC-1 to AC-12 developed for ski those. The company went into the Kriesenjahren before the Second World War bankruptcy. In the Second World War, he served again in the Swiss Air Force and rose to the rank of captain. Beginning in 1946, he headed a flight school until in 1950 when he had to give up flying.
Editor's Note: I apologize for the quality of this translation. It's the best I can do, and hopefully is better than nothing. If you can provide us with a better translation, we would be very grateful.

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