August 9, 1918 |
Here are copies of the 400,000 provocative pamphlets dropped over Vienna on
August 9, 1918 during the the First War. The pamphlets were written in the Italian and German languages. Gabriele
d'Annunzio had written the text. Seven single seat SVAs and one two-seater made the historic 1126 km (700 mile) flight to Vienna from San Pelagio (Padua) to drop propaganda leaflets on the city. The observer in the two-seater was Gabriele d'Annunzio. For this exploit, he was promoted to Officer of Savoy Military Order. The historic airplane is currently on display at the Museo Caproni - Trento. |
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Italian Version Photo & translation courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 3-3-07 |
VIENNESI ! Imparate a conoscere gli italiani. Noi voliamo su Vienna, potremmo lanciare bombe a tonnellate. Non vi lanciamo che un saluto a tre colori: i tre colori della libertà. Noi italiani non facciamo la guerra ai bambini, ai vecchi, alle donne. Noi facciamo la guerra al vostro governo nemico delle libertà nazionali, al vostro cieco testardo crudele governo che non sa darvi né pace né pane e vi nutre d'odio e d'illusioni. VIENNESI ! Voi avete fama di essere intelligenti. Ma perché vi siete messi l'uniforme prussiana? Ormai, lo vedete, tutto il mondo è contro di voi. Volete continuare la guerra? Continuatela. è il vostro suicidio: Che sperate? La vittoria decisiva promessavi dai generali prussiani? La loro vittoria decisiva è come il pane dell'Ucraina : Si muore aspettandola. POPOLO DI VIENNA, pensa ai tuoi casi. Svegliati! VIVA LA LIBERTÀ ! VIVA L'ITALIA ! VIVA L'INTESA ! |
VIENNESE ! Learn to know the Italians. We are flying above Vienna, we could launch tons of bombs. We do not launch anything but a three color greeting to the three colors of freedom. We Italians do not wage war upon children, the old ones or women. We are waging war upon your government, the enemy of national freedoms, upon your blind, stubborn, cruel government who can't give you either peace or bread and only nourishes your feelings of hatred and illusions. VIENNESE ! You have a reputation for being clever. Then why are you wearing the Prussian uniform? By now, you can see, the entire world is against you. Do you want to continue the war? If you continue, it will be your suicide: What do you hope for? The decisive victory promised to you by the Prussian generals? Their decisive victory is like the Ukraine's bread : You will die waiting for it. PEOPLE OF VIENNA, think of your situation. Wake up ! HURRAH FOR FREEDOM HURRAH FOR ITALY ! HURRAH FOR THE ENTENTE ! |
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German Version Photo courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 3-3-07 |
English Translation Courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 3-10--07 Learn to know the Italians. We are flying above Vienna, we could launch tons of bombs. We do not launch you anything that a three colors greeting the three colors of the freedom. We Italians do not wage war upon the children, the old ones, the women. We are waging war upon your government enemy of the national freedoms, upon your blind stubborn cruel government who can't give you neither peace nor bread and nourish you feelings of hatred and illusions. VIENNESE ! You have reputation of being clever. But why are you wearing the Prussian uniform? By now, you see it, the entire world is against you. Do you want to continue the war? You continue it, it is your suicide: What do you hope? The decisive victory promised you by Prussian generals? Their decisive victory is like the Ukraine's bread : It dies waiting for it. UP WITH FREEDOM ! UP FOR ITALY ! UP FOR THE ENTENTE ! |
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