
AKA Darioli Ernesto Umberto Giovanni

Ernesto Darioli
Collection of Paulo Ramos Derengoski
Ernesto Darioli
                                                                Collection of Paulo Ramos Derengoski
Da esquerda para a direita: Dr. Urbano, Tenente Antônio Guilhon, Coronel Fabriciano, Tenente Rego Barros, Capitão José Ozório, Capitão Oscar Paiva, Tenente Ricardo Kirk (aviador), Tenente Daltro Filho, General Setembrino de Carvalho, Tenente Euclides Figueiredo, Capitão Souza Reis, Ernesto Darioli (aviador), Tenente João Niemeyer.

Collection of Fausto Darioli, 4-13-06
II nostro concittadino Darioli Ernesto che altre volte riscosse allori e premi quale corridore ciclista, si era dato in seguito all'allenamento meccanico con le motociclette.
Ora seguendo l'alea dei tempi ha rivolto la sua intelligente attività all'aviazione. Il primo tentativo fatto nell'aerodromo di Issy les Moulinex presso Parigi per il debuttante aviatore. Il Darioli, dopo brevi tentativi, s'innalzava maestosamente all'altezza di una decina di metri, librandosi nell'aria con la massima sicurezza e padronanza di manovra, compiendo un volo di oltre un chilometro. A giorni tenterà di ottenere il brevetto di pilota.
All'audace aviatore Darioli vadano le espressioni di ammirazione e di complimenti dei suoi patrioti, e l'augurio di continui trionfi soprattutto senza incidenti.

Collection of Fausto Darioli, 4-13-06
Translation courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti
Our fellow citizen Ernesto Darioli, who had collected many honours and rewards as a cyclist runner, had dedicated himself to mechanical training with motorcycles.
Nowadays, following the risk of the moment, he has turned his attention to aviation. His first attempt was made at the aerodrome of Issy les Moulineux near Paris. Darioli, the student aviator, after a few short runs, rose majestically to a height of ten meters, flying through the air in perfect safety. Having mastered the manoeuvre, he completed a flight of more than a kilometer. In a few days, he will try to obtain his pilot's license.
To daring aviator Darioli go expressions of admiration and the compliments from his compatriots, and also their wishes for continuing triumphs, above all without accidents.

Collection of Fausto Darioli, 4-13-06
Il signor Darioli Ernesto ha conseguito recentemente il diploma di pilota aviatore.
Translation courtesy of GIovanni Giorgetti
Mr. Ernesto Darioli has recently received his pilot's license.

Collection of Fausto Darioli, 4-13-06
L'aviatore Darioli si fa onore.
Tra gli aviatori che maggiormente si distinguono in Francia, primeggia il nostro concittadino Darioli, che mesi or sono ha conseguito il libretto di pilota ad Jssy.
Egli si è classificato rapidamente fra i migliori conquistatori dell'aria ed ha istituito una scuola di aviazione frequentata da numerosi allievi, tra i quali il giovane milanese Chiesa e l'ex corridore genovese Raniè.
I monoplani della scuola Darioli sono sei Blèriot del tipo sul quale l'inventore attraversò la Manica.
Di questi giorni il nostro compatriota ha compiuto un magnifico volo su di un monoplano Blèriot, librandosi sopra la metropoli Parigina. Il viaggio riuscitissimo ha entusiasmato il coraggioso aviatore. Darioli conta di prendere parte alle importanti gare che si preparano a Roma e a Torino per il 1911, e se il progettato viaggio aereo Torino - Bologna - Roma, diverrà un fatto compiuto, con tutta probabilità egli sarà uno dei concorrenti.
Al valoroso nostro concittadino vadano i migliori auguri per i presenti e futuri trionfi, nella speranza che in occasione delle gare che verranno indette in Italia in quest'anno, l'aviatore ossolano trovi modo di volare fino a Domodossola a raccogliere la bandiera gloriosa ed invitta lasciata sul campo cruento dall'eroe Geo Chavez.

Collection of Fausto Darioli, 4-13-06
Translation courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti
Aviator Darioli is becoming famous.
Among the aviators who mainly are distinguishing themselves in France, our fellow citizen Darioli, who months ago got his pilot's license at Issy, is becoming well known. . He has quickly distinguished himself as being among the best conquerors of the air and has instituted a school of aviation attended by numerous students, among those being the young Milanese Chiesa and the former Genoese runner Raniè.
The monoplanes of the Darioli School are six Blèriot, of the type on which the inventor crossed the Channel.
In these days, our compatriot has completed a magnificent flight in a Blèriot monoplane, soaring over the Parisian metropolis. The most successful travel has excited the brave aviator. Darioli plans to take part in the important competitions which are being prepared in Rome and Turin in 1911. If the planned aerial tour Turin - Bologna - Rome becomes a fait accompli, in all probability he will be one of the contenders.
Our best wishes go to our brave fellow citizen for his present and future triumphs. In the hope that on occasion the contests will be held in Italy this year, the aviator of Ossola has managed to fly to Domodossola to pick up the glorious and unconquered flag which was left on the bloody field by the hero Geoge Chavez.

     If you search for "Ernesto Darioli" using Google, you will find about 12 links. Most of them are offer only brief references to his career, are written in Portuguese, but a machine-translation is available directly from the Google entry. Probably the most helpful of all is the one immediately below.
Translated from the article which appeared
on the Juiz de Fora, 150 anos page
of the JF Service website.

     Six years after the Mineiro Alberto Santos Dumont invented the airplane, and made his first flight in Paris, France, Juiz De Fora saw one of those incredible flying machines.for the first time. The year was 1912, when the Italian Ernesto Darioli came to the city to make a flight in a promotion of the periodical "O Pharol". The airplane arrived in Juiz De Fora loaded on the Central do Brasil train. Ernesto Darioli made his first attempt of flight from a field improvised in the Praça Antônio Carlos, (Antonio Carlos Square), which, at the time, was just a mass of weeds. Soon after taking off, Darioli had to make a forced landing in the córrego da Independência, (Independence ravine), which today is the Avenida Independência, (Independence Avenue). In the second attempt the pilot had total success, leaving of the bairro Manoel Honório, (Manoel Honório neighborhood). Finally, the Juizforanos had been able to see the overflight of an airplane in the city. Only two years later, in 1914, Juiz De Fora saw a new airplane. This time, it was flown by the gaucho Luiz Bergman. Excited by the invention of Santos Dumont, the Aeroclube de Juiz de Fora, (Flying club of Juiz De Fora), was established in 1938, and to date has already graduated hundreds of pilots
To read the article in the original Portuguese
and to visit the website of JF Service,
simply click on:
Ernesto Darioli



Guerra do Contestado
from Editora Papel Virtual
Paulo Ramos Derengoski
from Editora Papel Virtual
  Contestado, uma guerra catarinense
O jornalista lageano Paulo Ramos Derengoski estava na França, nos anos 80, quando pela primeira vez ouviu falar da Guerra do Contestado. Nascido no planalto sul catarinense, Derengoski estranhou o fato de desconhecer totalmente esta revolta popular ocorrida há menos de um século em região bem próxima à sua cidade natal.
De volta ao país, começou a investigar o assunto. Durante anos entrevistou pessoas e coletou fotos e objetos da época. "Guerra no Contestado" é o quarto livro publicado por Derengoski sobre o assunto. Antes ele já havia publicado "O desmoronamento do mundo jagunço", "Os rebeldes do Contestado" e"Os cavaleiros do fim do mundo". Terceiro livro de Derengoski sobre o Contestado, "Os cavaleiros do fim do mundo" também ganhou uma edição digital, disponível na Editora Papel Virtual .
from Papel Jornal nº 20 - março/2001

Contestado, uma guerra catarinense
The lageano journalist Paulo Ramos Derengoski was in France, in the 80's, when for the first time he heard of the Guerra do Contestado. Having been born in the catarinense south plateaus, Derengoski found it odd that he hadn't heard of this popular revolt which had occurred less than a century ago in the region next to his native city.
Upon returning to his country, he started to investigate the subject. During the following years he interviewed people and collected photos and memorabilia of the epoch. Guerra do Contestado is the fourth book published by Derengoski on the subject. He had already had published "O desmoronamento do mundo jagunço", "Os rebeldes do Contestado" e"Os cavaleiros do fim do mundo". The third book Derengoski wrote on the Contestado, "Os cavaleiros do fim do mundo" is also available in a digital edition from Editora Papel Virtual .
Editor's Note: These books are written in Portuguese and may be obtained from several online sources.

Fausto Darioli
Fausto Darioli - Spring, 2006
Collection of Fausto Darioli
Fausto Darioli - The Tradition Continues
via email from Fausto Darioli, 11-3-04, 11-5-04 & 4-5-06
Dear Mr. Ralph
     I have discovered with great joy that I am not the only Darioli with a passion for flight. I believe that Ernesto Darioli is a distant relative of mine, having been born here in the zone of Domodossola. I would be happy if you could give any more news to me.
Faustus Darioli

Dear Ralph
     I have begun to search for more information on Ernesto Darioli, and have contacted a pilot friend of mine who has made a search on Geo Chavez. As you know, He crashed here in Domodossola after had made the historical crossing of the Alps. I have learned that Ernesto Darioli was the first one to fly over Paris in a Bleriot. As soon as I have more information, I will send it to you.
Thanks for your collaboration

Hallo Ralph how are you?
. I send to you 2 images of my last flight, very, very nice.
Ciao, have a nice day
Fausto Darioli
Ernesto Darioli
Fausto Darioli - Spring, 2006
Collection of Fausto Darioli

I have not been able to find the date of his death.
Editor's Note:
If you have any information on this Early Flier,
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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