Elie Hanouille
Monoplan Blériot, piloté par HANOUILLE
Longeur 7 m. 63, largeur 8 m. 90, surface portante 15 m, roue arriére, remplacér
par patin á ressorl, moteur Anzani 50/60 HP, hélice Woyrin. Poids total 250 kgs.
Détenteur du jeton d'or
Collection of Ian Sayer, 10-13-06
Signatures Deciphered
by David Lam, 10-12-07
Card No. 3--

#2-- Louis Kuhling, license #136,19 July 1910
#3-- Probably Pierre Testulat-- license # 520, 5 April 1912
#4-- no idea-- Can't find any name with that pattern. Looks like Gergmault,
Sergmault, Bergmault, or something like that.
#5-- no idea
#6-- no idea-- looks like Douc.... But nothing in the lists like that.
#7-- Sadi Lacointe. License # 431, 3 March 1911
#8-- Maurice Tetard-- license # 79, 17 May 1910
#9-- working on it.... ..UHL???
#10-- too dim to read
#11-- ?

Henri Brégi
Collection of Ian Sayer, 10-13-06
Signatures Deciphered
by David Lam, 10-12-07
Card No. 3 Verso--
#12 -- First name is certainly André. Second name has an "R" as second letter and what appears to be a "Y" for the fourth and last letter. I can convince myself that the First letter is "F", which leads me to believe this is André Frey, license # 93, 10 June 1910. Died 21 Nov 1912.
#13 is Alexandre. Unfortunately, there is no flier of that period in France with that last name, and there are several with it as a first name. I'm afraid that without more information we won't be able to do much with that. It certainly is not Alexandroff.
#14. No luck at all. I can't find any licensed pilot through 1912 whose name has that pattern.

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