Jannus Will Soar Over Isles of Jamaica Bay to See if He Fell on One of Them.


Boats Scour Sea and Autos the
Land in Vain.Wire¬
less Brings No
     The whereabouts of Albert J. Jewell. the young aviator was swept from the course Monday while attempting to pilot an aeroplane from Hempstead. Long Island to the aviation grounds at Oakwood, Staten Island. remained unsolved yesterday. Although his friends and the officers both of the Aeronautical Society and of the Moisant company kept up tbe search throughout the day, by motor sent to cruise off the shore of Long Island and by

automobiles among the marshes, they admltted that they practcally despared of finding him.
     The only hope seemed to be that he had falien on an island in Jamaica Bay. To answer this. Arthony Janus. who competed in the aerial derby on Monday, will fly over the bay today wlth J. R. Hall, of the Moisant Company, who wlll examine the islands for signs of wreckage or of the lost aviator.
     The chief cause for givlng up hope is the absolute silence in which he was swallowed They argued that had he landed anywhere he would have been heard of before now. On the other hand. had he been swept out to sea and picked up by a vessel, they argued that wireless messages would have brought some tidinga.      There remained the bare possiblllty that he had been picked up by some vessel not equipped with wireless. but no great hope was fixed to this. The only solution seemed to be tbat he had been swept out to sea and had fallen into the ocean. either through the stopping of his engine or the exhaustion of his fuel. ln either event. the aeroplane would have quickly sunk while Jewell could not have lasted long as he was unable to swlm and was prepared for
the water with only an automoble inner tube about hls body. This could not have helped him if he should get entangled ln the sinklng aero¬ plane.
     The last persons who are thought to have sighted Jewell after he left Hempstead were Joseph P. Doyle, a painter. living ln Nostrand avenue. and Edward J. Dollard. a real estate dealer. of Mott avenue. Far Kockaway. They saw what was thought to have been Jewell'a machine about eighteen hundred feet ln the air. going at a great rate of speed. apparently from Belmont Park. When they flrst saw it it was heading toward Edgemere, but was swept out toward the sea by the wlnd. and soon dlsappeared from view. This was about S o'clock ln the morning.
     Although the six motorhoats and automobiles s sent out hy A. K Wupperman. of the Moisant company. came back wlth nothing but wellnigh hopeless results last nieht, J. H. Hall. manager of the flying meet. for which Jewell started. said last night he had not given up hope.
     "His course took hlm near Jamaica Bay." said Mr. Hall last nlght. "He may have been swept in there and have
fallen into the swamps or on to any one of the small, half submerged lslands in the bay. In this event, he would not be readlly discernable from the level of the ground or of the water. He might lie there unconscious all this time, hidden by high grass or reeds.
     "The only way to make the search of the swamplands complete is to scour them from the air. Tomorrow morning "Tony' Jannus , of St. Louis. who won fifth place ln the race around Manhattan Island. wlll start for Jamaica Bay, and I am going wlth hlm. He has a machine that wlll carry three persons. We will make a thorough search from the air of all that Jewell must have passed near. We may find hlm hurt and unable tn move - we may find only his body, but we do not want to give up this search until everythlng has been done."
     The possibilityy that Jewell had been able to reach the Jersey shore before he lost control of hls machine led to the search being carried in that dlrectlon. but wlth no results, A report came that a machine had heen crlppled in the Hackensack meadows, but when this was investigated it was found to belong to a Bayonne amateur.

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