Charles S. (Casey) Jones
Charles S. (Casey) Jones
Collection of Daniel L. Jones, 6-19-08

     If you search for "Charles S. (Casey) Jones", using the Google search engine, (3-28-08), you will find about 507 links. Among the most helpful are the following.

College of Aeronautics
Vaughn College

86-01 23rd Avenue, Jackson Heights., NY 11371 * 429-6600
Founded: 1932
Students: 1,305
Faculty: 150
     In 1932, Charles S. "Casey" Jones, a pioneer aviator and aviation company executive, foresaw the need for highly trained technicians to design, build and service aircrafts and engines. George A. Vaughn, Jr. and Lee D. Warrender joined with Jones in founding the Casey Jones School of Aeronautics, the predecessor of the Academy of Aeronautics and as of September of 1986, the College of Aeronautics.
Edwin A. Link 1904-1981
by Martha Clark

Revised by Jeanne Eichelberger
     Another important person in Ed's career was Charles S. (Casey) Jones, a well-known aviator who maintained many connections with the military. In 1932, Jones' company, the J.V.W. Corp., became the exclusive sales representative for the Link Trainer. Despite these changes and the increasing sophistication of the trainer, the Depression continued to hamper Link's businesses, and he was forced to find new ways of selling aviation. The most successful of these was a changeable lighted sign which Link hung below his plane to advertise for local merchants. Promoting the "electric sky sign" meant extensive night flying and trips in bad weather, and so Ed became skilled at flying on instruments. His new ability was reflected in his constant tinkering with the trainer, and new models with advanced instrumentation were introduced.

Guide to Early Aviation Photographs
     This page on the Wichita State University Library website lists the following entry. You can access it by clicking on the title. You may want to use the "FIND" function on "Casey" to locate the entry on the page.
"Veteran Flier Stages Comeback.
     Charles S. (Casey) Jones, Veteran of air racing of a decade ago, stages a stirring comeback to racing fame when he sent his plane like a bullet over a 50-miles course, holding 55,000 spectators breathless as he banked around the pylons, the tip of a wing just grazing the earth, to win the feature event of the second day of the National Air Races at Curtiss Field, near Chicago. Photo shows Jones beside his plane, his "Luck Number 13" after winning the fifty mile race, August 24, 1930."


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