Boy Builds an Airship;
Everything About It His Own Work and It Will Fly ,too
Journal and Tribune,
Knoxville, Tennessee: September 11, 1910
Transcribed by Bob Davis - 8-20-05
"Chico, Cal., Sept. 10. - "Success has crowned the efforts of Thaddeus Kerns, 16 years old, a Chico youth who has been trying to make flights for some time past in an home-made aeroplane. Thursday afternoon he circled the mile race track twice. Yesterday he repeated his experiments and left the ground for three or four short flights. Everything about the machine, with the exception of the engine, is the work of the boy's own hands. The machine is built along the lines of the Curtiss model.
Thaddeus Kerns
Sunset Field - Alameda
Ready for the Takeoff

Thaddeus Kerns
Sunset Field - Alameda
Ready for the Takeoff
Collection of Betty Ballantine, 3-23-05
Courtesy of Ben Kerns

Thaddeus Kerns
Thaddeus Kerns
Thaddeus Kerns
In Flight
Collection of Betty Ballantine, 3-23-05
Courtesy of Ben Kerns

Thaddeus Kerns
Thaddeus Kerns
After the Flight
Collection of Betty Ballantine, 3-23-05
Courtesy of Ben Kerns

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