Thaddeus Kerns

  Mr. T. S. Kerns,
Chico, Cal.
R F D #1
  Sept. 20, 1911  
  Dear Sir:-
     We are pleased to report to you that we have just completed our usual search of the Patent Office records before preparing our application papers for patent on the above named invention and we are glad to say that we have found nothing to change our opinion sent you recently, that a patent can be obtained.
     We wish to explain that while you are not the first person to invent a device for this particular purpose, yet in our opinion your construction is so different from anything we have found in our search, that a patent can be obtained. It is very seldom that what an inventor sends in, is the first thing that was ever thought of for the purpose. The fact that every one is looking for something to do his work better, is probably the reason for the success of inventions that do the old work in a new way.
     Shall we purchase and send to you copies of these previous patents for your inspection, or are you willing to be governed by our opinion that a patent can be obtained and have us send your application papers to you to be signed with the distinct understanding that we will be bound by the terms of our agreement to return to you upon request our fee, if the application is finally rejected because of any previous patant?
     We believe you will agree with us that when we send your application papers to be signed, it would be best for us to also send you the drawings of your invention that are to be filed in the Patent Office with the application papers so that you can go carefully over the specifications drawings and claims and make sure that we have everything properly illustrated, described and claimed before you sign your papers and thus avoid any possible error. We therfore ask that you send your second payment of $15 now in your reply to this letter, so that we can send the drawings of your invention to you with your application papers. You will of course then send just that much less when you return your application papers after signing them.

  DF. OSR Thaddeus Kerns  

Daniel Pinet


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