Marcel Leyat
Marcel Leyat - 1914
from Autótörténelem

     If you search for "Marcel Leyat" +aviation, using the Google search engine, (7-1-08), you will find about 52 links. Most of them feature the automobiles he designed, but several do describe his aeroplanes. Perhaps the most helpful is the one cited below.

L'Hélica Marcel LEYAT
     I was alerted to this website by Don Campbell. Unfortunately for me, it is written entirely in French. If you can read that language, you are in luck. Here is the introduction to this extensive collection of printed materials which begins in 1909 and continues until 2000:

"Dès 1909, Marcel Leyat construsit des aéroplanes, que ce soit pour le vol remorqué ou le vol motorisé. Très tôt, il opta pour « l'aile vivante ».
Un grand nombre d'articles sont parus dans « l'aérophile » ou « les ailes ».
Un grand merci à Monsieur Garsault et au Musée du GPPA d'Angers pour avoir permis la copie de ces documents:"

     Here is a machine-translation of the above:

Since 1909, Marcel Leyat construsit of airplanes, whether for theft towed or powered flight. Early on, he opted for "Wing alive."
Many articles have appeared in « l'aérophile » or « les ailes ».
A big thank you to Mr Garsault and the Museum of Angers GPPA for allowing the copy of these documents:

You can access the French version by clicking on the title above.

Marcel Leyat
Marcel Leyat
from Hubert Fourny, 6-13-09

L'Hélica Marcel LEYAT
     I was alerted to this website by Hubert Fourny. In addition to the French versionm there is an English version available.

Marcel Leyat
Marcel Leyat, après divers prototypes, réalise l'Hélica
(constructeur et pilote : André Jacquemin).

Marcel Leyat, after various prototypes, constructs the Hélica
(manufacturer and pilot: Andre Jacquemin).

from LE SPRATT 103

     This website is devoted to telling the story of the Spratt 103, "The SIMPLEST, the SAFEST and the most ECONOMIC aircraft ever conceived." On the HISTORY page of this site is included the following statement:

     "The aerodynamic formula used (one of the simplest and safest existing), which could be called "articulated, or pivoting" wings, has been all but ignored or forgotten by most aeronautical specialists. Yet it is, paradoxically, one of the oldest manners of flying, even recommended by Octave Chanute (known as "the Father of Aviation") in 1902 and, finally, nearest to that of the birds, which fly regularly in turbulent air conditions and yet never stall or get into spins."

     On the same page are displayed a series of examples of aircraft which used the "articulating / pivoting wings," including one which was designed by Leyat. Included is a 30 second video of the plane in flight.
     You can access by clicking on the title above.

Marcel Leyat died in 1986.

Editor's Note:
If you have any more information on this pioneer aviator
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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