Dr. Celso Leal In reason of the chronicles published in the Periodical of Tijucas I was looked by the Engineer Carlos Eduardo Porto. It inhabits in Florianópolis. Pensioner, is Aeromodelista since the eight years of age and a scholar of the history of Aviation in Santa Catarina. He made a rejoinder of Breguet 14, used for Saint Exupery. Currently he is involved in the construction of Macchi 9, of Italian manufacture, that flied in Santa Catarina in 1920. Involved for the historical tickets, he arrived at the flight oldest on the State of Santa Catarina, of the Aeroplano, a SVA of 220 HP, directed for Locatelli, that said made landing forced in Tijucas. I repassed the constant information to it in the workmanships of Abdala, Barentim and Fields. However, searching to confirm in details the then reality, I effected research and I share the following information: “Raid aerial to the River. PILOT LOCATELLI WAS OBLIGED TO INTERRUPT ITS TRIP. In day 16 of the chain he has one hour of the afternoon, we had the satisfaction to appreciate some evolutions that bold Locatelli aviator made in its aeroplano in the immediações of this Villa. The 4 hours of the afternoon we receive notice that the evolutions made for the aviator it was looking local to fill with earth because it noticed that a bugia had been loosened and that one of the cylindros of the engine was functioning badly, losing with this the device the altitude. Locatelli lieutenant retroceded to go to fill with earth in a point to the north of Tijucas, that in its ticket if discloses to it as a great similar campina to make the repairs necessary and to continue its rali. Which was not its surprise when when filling with earth, instead of campina it found a tirirical enormous where the device was embedded and capsized that was made unusable, saving only the engine. The inhabitants of the locality had run with prestesa, to give to all the socorros to the aviator, who seeing since soon the impossibility to continue its raid, directed it Tijucas of where, if it communicated with the Capital. The meritorious Governor of the state, Exmo. Mr. Dr. Hercílio Luz, as soon as he had knowledge of the lamentable disaster ordered in automobile you Joe Collaço and Captain João Cancio, its official of cabinet and assistant of orders, to the Tijucas, similar to lead the Capital Mr. Locatelli that was received by members of the Italian Colonia and great number of people. When disembarking the destemido aviator, the people probreaches in vibrant a safe one of palms. Locatelli lieutenant directed itself then for the Palace of the Government, where she was received by Mr. Governing Dr. of the State, Secretary of the Interior and Justice, high authoridades and representatives of the press. After the compliments and of fast lecture Locatelli Lieutenant, he showed desires to follow naquelle day in the “similar Anna” to take the “King Vittorio” in Saints therefore had to follow for Italy to take part in great raid Rome-Tokio. Exmo. Mr. Governador attendendo of prompto to the aviator requested of srns. Secretary of the Interior and Italian Consul to airem on behalf of the government, to snrs. Hoepcke, Irmão and Cia, to ask for so that the “Anna” followed the Saints directly. The empreza Hoepcke not being able to attender the order of the government how much gone of the “Anna” the Saints, seen already to have much embarked load, poz, in the interim its disposal the packet boat “Max” who followed directamente for Saints in day 17, the 10 hours of the morning. Locatelli Lieutenant is a symphatica figure, and counts only 21 annos of age. He was one of the brave aviators who under the control of the bold poet Gabriel of Annunzio, that finishes to enter in Fiume, it made raid on Vienna spilling célebres bulletins in the Austrian Capital and that as much haunts they had caused to the world. Locatelli cahiu prisoner of the Austrians where it was 20 days, obtaining to run away”. (The Intransigent - Orgão of the Republican Party Catharinense - Sunday, 28 of September of 1919, number 59, City of Camboriu) it continues in the next number. |
Dr. Celso Leal As transcribed in the previous edition, in Tijucas the first aerial flight on the State of Santa Catarina, what at great length the Municipio de Joinville is confirmed in the story of the Periodical "", of Saturday was interrupted, 20 of September of 1919, namely: "The disaster of Locatelli aviator. It finishes to arrive notice of Tijucas that the device where Locatelli aviator travelled, due to a disarrangement in the engine, cahiu in the bathed ones, next àquella Villa. The device was embedded in the mud soffrendo great damages, being considered lost. Locatelli is desolate, seeing its device embedded and the broken helix. Happily the intrépido aviator nothing soffreu, being helped promptamente for the inhabitants of the neighborhoods of the disaster". E more, "Locatelli explains the incidents of its trip and the reasons that had compelled it to go down in sand banks of Tijucas: Its departure of Canoes left to foresee that it could reach Saints successfully, but soon observed that the temperature lowers extraordinariamente, making cold of snow in the high one. Wind south impellia favorably, but some gusts compel-in to make maneuvers strong, what it concurred to force the engine of its device, that when crossing Santa Catarina, roared irregularally, indicating its mao funccionamento. When folding to follow the beach of golpho, it felt that the engine each time functioned peior and being the great height, decided to lower flight, following with much attenção the course of the engine. I descend slowly and advancing, it saw that the engine went to stop and as its front it had one great land of field, for directed apparelho there, with the end to fill with earth with successo. To if approaching to the land it noticed its mistake therefore on of one was bathed, but already it could not retrocede nor to advance more. Apparelho then finally projectou in the lamaçal, opening great a ridge, espadanando the pantano and if embedding all. Vellas of the engine if had crashed, the fine parts had broken with the shock, the helix folded and the device was lost. Locatelli however, did not lose the cold blood; it jumped for the side, suffering small excoriations and with much sacrifice poude to sahir of the bathed one. Of all the sides appareceu people in its aid, being lead from there to the horse for the city of Tijucas, where the authorities had all dealt it with the affection until the representatives of the government had arrived to bring it the Florianópolis". As if he evidences, in accordance with the Aremodelista Carlos Eduardo Porto, we are "with the history of the first airplane that flied in our State" and whose interruption was given in Tijucas. Of another side, they argue if until today the SVA of 220 HP, directed for Locatelli, he rests, buried under the lodaçal of Tijucas, State of Santa Catarina. Carlos Eduardo Porto desires to construct the airplane of Locatelli "to materialize our history, and to repeat the flight in Tijucas", an excellent activity and of general interest. If somebody will have photographs, drawings and information of as the cited airplane was spotted or will be able to prove more details on the fact, favor to keep contact with the Periodical of Tijucas. |
Dr. Celso Leal The expression plague is very dangerous. The plague could be a great calamity. Or the addition of indesejadas things, inopportune, beyond being the act or effect to curse, to curse. In the last direction it elapses of the hatred, cólera or the aversion, portraying the solemn yearning of things péssimas on somebody. They say that the plague exists and only against people. In our land, the verbal tradition points to the mystery “to have played plague on Tijucas”. Really, the meeting of some itens historical demonstrates that reasons and possibilities for some plagues had existed. The the least in determined circumstance, is of if believing that a person cursed others because of delicate occurrence. One day we will demonstrate the question. For the time being, we recognize that the interruption of the flight of Locatelli in Tijucas left marks not clarified. Strangely, the community erased of the memory the details around that incident. Doubtful exists something that made the people to move away itself from the important fact. I resell notations of the time, we find alusões that tie the fall of the aeroplano with a curse, therefore “already vae far the day, where Locatelli, in the succedido evil raid Buenos Ayres-River, poured on Tijucas, one I do not know what, so bad, that to all they involve in annoyances, disgusts… Day the day, arrive at our knowledge minucias, particularitities, facts that well that of far they have still linkings with aquelle national event”. She consists that this way, inhaled in Locatelli, a child made one aviãozinho. To she raises it it, the part came back against infant, piercing to it one of the eyes. We do not find photos or pieces of the aeroplano, but for the mentioned one in news agency in 17 of January of 1920, an action at law existed involving it: “They had been submettidos the judgment hontem before jury correicional, snrs. Jose Gallotti, Ovídio Gottardi and João Wollinger, accusados to have damnificado the airplane of Locatelli in so bad hour filled with earth in ours paludes. The Court was thus constituted: president Sr. CAP. Manoel Cruz; Juries: Snrs. João Barthem Júnior, Gregorio Caldas of Nascimento and Elias Bozano; Accuser, snr. Dr. Hildebrando Freire. Snr was in charge of the defeza. Dr. Nereu Ramos, that came to this especially contractado city for this end. The sentence was absolutory for unamimity of votes. Abstemo-in the ones to make any commentary on this so ackward event whose originating they had gotten passionate and they in such a way divided our public opinion”. The documents had been lost. Who could clarify already does not exist. In relation the plagues on Tijucas, we will come back opportunely. |
Tijucas, SC, 06 de julho de 2004. Prezado Colega Carlos Eduardo Porto, Taking care of in part its request, I inform to it that: 1. A trip in the time consists of the book “History of Tijucas -”, of authorship of Ademar Fields and Nacir Abdala (2003), in paginas 117 and 118, the following information: “THE AEROPLANO. Another one of the past that called the attention the population of Tijucas was the appearance of the first aeroplano in 1919. This then was a dilúvio. Sairam until versinhos - transcribed below. It was a running alone seeing. One week entire of movement in Tijucas. At that time one heard to speak in this device. But it was doubted its existence. E when less one expected, here it is that he appeared “bichinho” in skies of our city. I do not know to explain what it happened, but the truth is that it fell in a next tirirical the Saint Luzia. Lode people of all the cantos of our municipio alone to believe exactly, that the such bichinho existed in fact. To follow we transcribe the versinhos written: Lieutenant Locateli From Buenos Aires took off And at 11 in the morning Arrived in our state. Well encima of matriz The aeroplane stopped Verifying planícies And its field of rest In the city of Tijucas I only wanted that visse The people asked for God To make the aeroplane fall. God seems to have heard This fatal order He made the aeroplane fall Inside of one tirirical. (Source: Periodical Tijuquense - 65) “ 2. Of another side, in the book “Facts and Photos of Tijuquense History”, of Ademar Fields and Leopoldo Barentim (1994), in pagina 121, the following one meets: “TICKET OF THE ZEPELIM IN TIJUCAS. Day 1o of July of 1934 (Sunday). On this day, it has 60 years 5 hours of the morning, passed in Tijucas, making evolutions GRAF ZEPELIM L Z - 127, come in return of Buenos Aires. All the tijuquense people vibrated with applauses and made to reviver the events when it fell in the tijuquenses bushes, the Italian airplane called LOCATELI. They had been versinhos facts and one of them said thus: “Someone and Someone, were an interesting case, wanted that the Zepelim, came back the same in instant”. In this exactly day, to the afternoon, had a game of soccer between Catarinenses Academics and the Sport Tijucas Club, with the purpose of angariar deep to construct, in the Law school in Florianópolis, a monument, homaging the tijuquense Jose Enrique Boiteux, deceased in the year of 1932. The victory was of the Sport Club with 2 gols of Jose Alves de Brito. At night, in the Cine Theater, espet´culo had one artistic musical comedy, with presentation of the catarinenses academics, in order to get the same deep for end”. 3. I inform that I will be hearing people to it the respect and I will search possible details in the press of the time, coming back to the subject with Mr. 4. Fraternalmente, I remain to its whole number to make use. Celso Leal da Veiga Júnior Mestre em Ciência Jurídica Coodenador do Curso de Direito da UNIVALI em Tijucas celsolea@tj.univali.br Fone 48 263 0576 - 48 263 0434 |
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