If you search for "Pan American Flight" +Loening, using the Google search engine, (8-30-06), you will find about 12 links. If you want a brief, but comprehensive summary ot the project, you may choose the website cited below. If you prefer to see the official report, which is very long, you can choose the second one.
     This article on the National Museum of the USAF website offers a summary of the project, along with a very nice photograph of the Loening OA-1A amphibian. You can access the site by clicking on the title above.

Air Force Historical
Studies Office

Official Report of the Pan-American Flight of 1927

Major Herbert A. Dargue was chosen to lead the flight and was one of the primary planners for the mission.

The flight had several official goals:

To promote goodwill with Central and South American countries
To map potential airline routes and promote the possibility of beginning schedule service
To train Air Corps pilots in long distance navigation
To test the Loening OA-1A for use in amphibious flight operations
Editor's Note: This is a very large file, (201MB), and takes a long time to download.

Pan American Flight
  1 2 3 4 5
Pan American Flight
Planes & Crews

Pan American Flight
1. Capt. Arthur McDaniel & 1Lt. Charles Robinson
"San Antonio"

Pan American Flight
2. Capt. Clinton Woolsley & 1Lt. John Benton

Pan American Flight
3. Maj. Herbert Dargue & 1Lt. Ennis Whitehead
"Flagship - New York"

Pan American Flight
4. 1Lt. Bernard Thompson & 1Lt. Leonard Weddington
"St. Louis"

Pan American Flight
5. Capt. Ira Eaker & 1Lt. Muir Fairchild
"San Francisco"

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