The Actor
Robert Loraine
As Young Marlow
the importunate, in his true colours--with the maid

She stoops to Conquer, Haymarket Theatre, 1909
Permission of Joan Loraine

via email from Pete Jones, 7-25-07
Hello Ralph,
     Here is Robert Loraine(January 14,1876 - December 23,1935), like modern actor John Travolta he was an actor-aviator. Loraine was a very well known stage actor before becoming a pilot around 1910. He acted in a play by George Bernard Shaw called Man & Superman around 1905. But Loraine's laurels as an aviator were seemingly many. He had participated in the first experimental aerial sortie along with Bertram Dickson, had made the first crossing of the Irish Sea by plane, and landed the first airplane on the Isle of Wight in 1910 and in Wales. Mr Loraine also sent the first Marconi wireless message from an airplane in 1911.
      A number of websites are uploaded concerning Robert Loraine's theatrical career and his 'side' career as a pilot. I think the second was his greater love as he willingly served as a pilot in the RFC/RAF during WW1 when he was 40 years old. Loraine was married twice and had three daughters by his second wife. According to he was married to Julie Opp & Winifred Strangman. A real estate website (see below) looking back on it's property's history incorrectly mentions one Mabel Love as being married to him as well. His second wife, Winifred Loraine, wrote a biography of him entitled "Robert Loraine: Actor, Sailor, Airman" & "Head Wind: The Story of Robert Loraine" issued under different titles in UK and the US. So below are a few websites with pictures, info & other historical descriptions
     This site has details on the actor-airman:


     These are posed theater stills of him in uniform and as civilian. Not much to do with flying but well done stills of the man and I think adds more perspective when you can put a face to a name:
National Portrait Gallery

Robert Loraine
Robert Loraine
Portrait by Charles Buchel, 1919
Permission of Joan Loraine

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