The Flight

S 55
S 55 Squadron - 1930-1931
Collection of Domenico Marini, 1-25-06

Route Map
Flying Route - Ortebello to Rio - 1930-1931
Collection of Domenico Marini, 1-25-06

Red Squadron
Crew of Red Squadron
Flight from Orbetello to Rio de Janeiro - 1930
Collection of Domenico Marini, 1-27-06

Red Squadron

Letter From Giuseppe Marini to His Family
Written in Bolama, Guinea, December 28, 1930
Guinea is in fact on the coast of Africa and belonged to Portugal at that time.
Crossing the ocean for 3000 km, Bolama to Natal in Brazil, was the longest leg of the flight.
Letter & explanation from Domenico Marini, 1-25-06
S55 Crew
S55 Crew
Bolama            28-12-30 A / IX


Come avrete saputo dai giornali noi siamo arrivati a Bolama il giorno di Natale ed abbiamo lavorato anche il giorno di Santo Stefano e continuiamo a lavorare molto in questi giorni per mettere in ordine i nostri appartecchi.Aspettavo un vostro telegramma qui' a Bolama e invece ho ricevuto quello del Direttore che e' giunto molto gradito in questa lontana terra coloniale.Di tutto cio' che riguarda la crociera quello che vi posso dire e' che tutto va molto bene e che ho la piena fiducia che tutti arriveremo in America in perfetta formazione di arrivo. Qui' fa molto caldo, pero' io sto benissimo e spero di abbracciarvi tutti al piu' presto e forse ai primi di febbraio.Scrivetemi a Rio De Janeiro cosi' mi darete notizie di tutti i nostri cari.Tanti baci a tutti voi dal vostro sempre Peppino

English Version
Bolama            28-12-30 A / IX

Dear All

     As you already know from the newspapers, we arrived in Bolama on Christmas day and we worked as well on Saint Stephen's day and we expect to work very hard during the next few days to set up our airplanes in order.
     I was waiting for a telegram from you here in Bolama, but instead I understand that you sent it to me in care of the Director of the plant. It was very welcome here in this very distant colonial land.
     About everything concerning the flight the only I can say to all of you is that everything is going very well and I am very confident that all of us will arrive in America in a perfect flying formation
     Here the weather is very hot, but I feel very well and I hope to embrace all of you again very soon, maybe in the beginning of January.
     Write to me please, addressing the letters to Rio De Janeiro and send news of the family.
     A thousand kisses to all of you dears,
from yours faithfully

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