Karl Hackstetter
  "Younger brother to Lea & Bernice R. Ward.
He built his own airplane and it's 2 cylinder
aircooled engine. 5" bore & 6" stroke - several
times he flew it back to New Haven
with one broken off cylinder head hanging
by a spark plug."
The above notations on the back of this photo of Hugh Rockwell were by Albert M. Rockwell.
The scans of this and the photo are by his son, Albert M. Rockwell, Jr., January 16, 2002

Albert Rockwell, Sr.
by Albert M Rockwell, Jr.,
     My great-grandfather, Albert F. Rockwell, founded New Departure in 1888. You may know that he (and his sons) were inventive in nature.
     In the period after his brother in law took over New Departure, he was the Rockwell part of Marlin-Rockwell, taking mass production to Marlin, so they could competatively bid on 18,000 Colt machine guns for the British.
     His two sons Stanley and Hugh, co-inventors of the Rockwell Hardness Tester were involved.
     This happened in 1915. He was president of that concern from then thru the period of Joseph Cato's involvement with them. In short, he was Cato's employer during the 1818 to 1819 period when Cato says that, in 150 days he developed both the Marlin-Rockwell airplane and engine, with "no plain bearings". He goes on to L.W.F. Engineering Co. to develop the same engine and the "Butterfly" airplane.
     My great grandfather developed a high end automobile to demonstrate the application of ball bearings back before 1910.
     What I think really happened is that he hired Cato as a project manager to explore volume production of Hugh's existing airplane, with an eye toward airmail vehicles.
     The last info I have on Edward and Isabella Rockwell was that they lived in Santa Barbara. I'm not 100% on that. I have a '40's photo of him. He was a big man. I don't know at this point if a Rockwell from my great grandfather to present in my line had anything to do with Rockwell Field, but I guess Edward could have. I expect you might help me there.
     I've researched Albert F. as well as the Rockwells way back. So far I'm back to about 1550. Back to 1640 is very reliable. I think I'm pretty much done with the genealogy but from A.F. and his kids to myself, and our 3 & 4/9ths great grandchildren.
Al Rockwell & C.V. Mason
Al, Sr. with his grandmother's father, C V Mason
And his 2 cyl Aeronca - 1936

Photo & comments from Albert M Rockwell, Jr.,

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