Winifred E. Spooner
Photo from
The Great Encyclopedia of Aeronautics
by Luigi Mancini, Milan, 1934
Courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 11-3-04

From The Great Encyclopedia of Aeronautics of Luigi Mancini, Milan, 1934
Courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 112-10-05
Aviatrice inglese nata nel settembre 1900. Brevettatasi pilota aviazione presso il London Aeroplane Club nel 1926 e pilota commerciale nel 1927: Si rivelò subito nel 1928 partecipando alla "King's Cup Race" nella quale si classificò terza dopo il Cap Hope ed Uwins, e nel 1929 classificandosi quinta nella Coppa del Re e decima nello Challenge Internazionale da turismo.
Nel 1930 si classificò quattordicesima nella Coppa del Re, quarta nel Primo Giro Aereo d'Italia e seconda nello Challenge Internazionale da Turismo. Nello stesso anno, durante il volo Londra - Città del Capo, cadde col ten. Edward in mare nelle vicinanze di Belmonte Calabro, salvandosi a stento.
Nel 1931 si classificò quinta nella Coppa del Re, ma non partecipò alla Challenge Internazionale da turismo, per concorrere al quale aveva acquistato un apparecchio italiano.
Morì di malattia il 13 gennaio 1933 a Leicester.
From The Great Encyclopedia of Aeronautics of Luigi Mancini, Milan, 1934
Translation courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 112-10-05
     Winifred was an English aviatrix and was born in September 1900.
     She had earned her pilot's license at the London Aeroplane Club in t926 and her commercial pilot's license in 1927. She revealed her prowess at once by participating in the "King's Cup Race" in 1928, in which she won third place from Captains Hope and Uwins. In 1929, she won fifth place in the "King's Cup Race" and tenth place in the International Challenge of Tourism.
     In the 1930, she won fourteenth place in the "King's Cup Race", fourth place in the Primo Giro Aereo d'Italia and second in the International Challenge of Tourism.
     In the same year, during the flight from London to Cape Town, she and Lieutenant Edward crashed into the sea close to Belmonte Calabro (Italy), along with Lieutenant Edward, only saving herself with considerable difficulty.
     In 1931, she placed fifth in the "King's Cup Race," but she did not participate in the Tourist Plane Contest, in anticipation of which she had purchased an Italian aeroplane.
     She sickened and died on January 13, 1933.

Winifred E. Spooner
Winifred E. Spooner
Les Bourget Airport - Paris - August 16th, 1929
Photo & legend courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 11-3-04
via email from Giovanni Giorgetti, 11-3-04
     On the photo there is a note:
With best wishes,
Winifred E. Spooner

     This note was most probably intended to Pietro Giorgetti who was about to embark on the circumnavigation of the Mediterranean Sea with the engineer Mario Rasini in December, 1929.
Best regards,
Editor's Note: The connection of Winifred with Italian aviators is reinforced by the fact that she was a member of the Italian team which participated in the Challenge, 1932, air races. See the link below.

Winifred E. Spooner
Winifred E. Spooner
     This photo, which shows Evelyn Spooner with Franco Mazzotti and Francis Lombardi, is from my personal collection. To her right is Count Franco Mazzotti, inventor and organizer of the Italian automobile race, the Mille Miglia, (Thousand Miles) and Francis Lombardi.
     The photo was taken on August 16, 1929, at Les Bourget Airport - Paris, at the finish of the Internatonal Challenge of Tourism.
Photo & legend courtesy of Giovanni Giorgetti, 11-3-04

     If you search for "Winifred Spooner" +aviation, using the Google search engine, (12-8-05), you will find about 236 links.However, many of them simply repeat the same bits of information. Among the most helpful are the following.
      You can access the site by clicking on the title above.
Leicestershire Aero Club History
      This page revues the development of the Leicestershire Aero Club from 1909 to 1930. There is only scant mention of Winifred Spooner on page 1 of the 5 pages of history, but the story of the Aero Club itself makes a visit to this site worthwhile. You can access page 1 by clicking on the title above.

The Seventh King's Cup Race - 1928
      This page on the Society of Air Racing Historians website documents the winning of third place in the race by WInifred Spooner. You can access the site by clicking on the title above. You may want to use the FIND function on Spooner to locate her entry on the page.
      If you are interested, and if time permits, I think you will enjoy scanning the rest of the page which offers the results of many important races.


Luigi Mancini
Product Details
Cloth: 660 pages
TEL 71-624 - MILANO - VIA GESÙ 6
Memory of Luigi Mancini
By Angelo Balistieri
Translation by Dr. Marion Apley Porreca
      I found this fascinating article when I searched the net for information on the book, Grande Enciclopedia Aeronautica. I had had no idea that the author, Luigi Mancini, was also such an important member of the early aviation community. I am sure you will be very interested in reading this resumé of his life and career.
     In addition, you will be impressed by the description of the book he wrote. I heartily reccommend that you treat yourself to the pleasure of reading this very interesting story. You can access the site by clicking on the title above.
     If time permits, while on the site, I recommend that you visit the homepage of this remarkable resource. You find an extensive collection of articles, related to the city of Toricelli,, each of which offers an English version at the click of the mouse. You can go directly to the homepage by clicking on:
Amici di Torricella


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