July 28--Duluth Herald--page 4

       Harry Webster, the Duluth bird man, who left this city recently for a season of flights in the West and Northwest, has just written his brothers Fred and Victor, in this city, of some very successful flights in the Dakotas, where he has been engaged for many fairs and exhibitions as the headline attraction. Recently he made a flight of forty miles in thirty-five minutes in North Dakota. Stanley Storer, son of Dr. and Mrs. Storer of this city, is with Mr. Webster and is assisting in handling the machine.
     In a flight near Langdon, Mr. Webster had a narrow escape when engine trouble overtook him while he was 2,500 feet in the air. He was soaring beautifully when the engine began making erratic explosions. In a few moments the aviator was plunging downward at the rate of eighty miles an hour. He landed in a wheat field safely, about six miles from Langdon. Catching a passing auto, he went to the city, got a good supply of gasoline, and in a few minutes afterward was flying 3,000 feet over Langdon. By making a hurried flight, he was able to give an exhibition at Langdon before an immense crowd which was anxiously waiting for the airman to make his appearance.
nbsp;    Duluthians will remember Mr.
Harry J. Webster
Webster's flights during the auto show
     In the evening, Mr. Webster was a guest of the Commercial club and received many compliments for his skillful handling of his machine during the critical period of his flight. Mr. Webster made a remarkably good flight, making seventy-four miles at the rate of sixty-five miles an hour.
being last February, when he pulled off some races whith Duluth ayutoists on the ice on the bay front.

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