Nordwest-deutsche Fleugzeugewerke
To one who can't read German, me, this appears to be a very comprehensive biography of Wilhelm. It is a
pdf file of several pages, the first of which I insert below, with a machine-translation into English:
Wilhelm Heinrich Evers wurde am 13. Januar 1884 in Lamstedt geboren, wo sein Vater eine Schlosserwerkstatt besaß.
Gerade eine Klempnerlehre hinter sich ging er dann als 17jähriger nach den USA, um dort bei der jungen Automobilindustrie zu lernen.
Dort lernte er Glenn Curtiss kennen und wurde Augenzeuge seiner ersten großen Motorflüge. Als Evers ihm begeistert gratulierte, riet ihm Curtiss: »Laß' die Finger von der Fliegerei, mancher fliegt verdammt schnell in den Himmel!«
Doch diese Worte verfehlten ihre Wirkung, denn Evers fuhr zur Frankfurter »ILA«, fasste dort endgültig den Entschluss, selber zu
fliegen und kehrte im Mai 1910 nach Lamstedt zurück.
William Heinrich Evers was born on 13 January 1884 in Lamstedt, where his father operated a fitter workshop. Straight plumber
teachings behind itself it went then as 17-yearold to the USA, in order to learn there with the recent automobile industry. There he
became acquainted with Glenn Curtiss and became eye-witness of its first large powered flights. When
Evers it enthusiastically congratulated, Curtiss guessed/advised him: " Leaving the fingers of the Fliegerei, some flies condemned fast
to the sky! " But these words missed their effect, because Evers drove to the Frankfurt one" ILA ", seized there finally the resolution to
fly and returned in May 1910 to Lamstedt.
This website appears to be a combination advertisement for a watch company and a rather complete
biography of Evers. You can access the entire article by clicking on the title above., If you want to read it in English translation, you can
copy each section and paste them into the Google translation program. |