Gustav Hamel
Gustav Hamel
King George V Coronation
Aerial Post flights

Photo from
Courtesy of Roy Nagl, 8-13-05

Gustav Hamel
King George V Coronation
Aerial Post flights

     This vintage photo post card from the 1911 Coronation Aerial Post flights, shows one of the two Bleriot monoplanes that were used for these flights, by Gustav Hamel and Clement Greswell.
Photo and legend courtesy of Roy Nagl, 12-14-05

Gustav Hamel
King George V Coronation
Aerial Post flights

     This vintage photo post card from the 1911 Coronation Aerial Post flights, shows Hamel and Greswell loading air mail into one of the Bleriot monoplanes.
Photo and legend courtesy of Roy Nagl, 12-14-05

     An enterprising newspaper made arrangements with Gustav Hamel to carry several bundles of newspapers from Hendon Aerodrome to Southend on Saturday last. The newspapers were rolled up and packed on the Blériot machine, and the aviator started off, but he had only got as far as Hammersmith when the heavy thunderstorm broke over London and caused him to come down.
     Mr. Gustav Hamel "autographing" some of the copies of the Evening Times at Hendon on Saturday last just prior to his attempt to carry them by aeroplane to Southland. As recorded elsewhere, Mr. Hamel gave up the flight soon after the start. At the left of the picture, in the cap is M. Petit Pierre, the victim of the lunatic Hanot who so wildly shot at the spectators and others on Saturday evening at the Hendon Aerodrome. This picture taken only a very short period before the crime was committed.
Photo & Text from FLIGHT, August 26, 1911
Courtesy of David Sainsbury

     If you search for "Gustav Hamel", using the Google search engine, (8-15-05), you will find 451 links!. From among this wealth of information, I have selected two as worthy starting points.

     On this website, one of many built by Roy Nagl, you will find a very interesting revue of the CORONATION AERIAL POST - 1911." Included is a comprehensive summary of the many events, as well as a daily summary of the flights from September 9 to September 26, 1911, the date of the last flight. The article is illustrated with photographs and references to many of the other participants including Charles L. A. Hubert, as well as Clement Greswell and E. F. Driver.
     The page displays photographs of two of the postcards which were carried on the flights and also a vintage postard which celebrates the June 22, 1911 coronation of King George V and Queen Mary. You can access the page by clicking on the title above.
     If time permits, and if you are not already familiar with Roy's other websites, I heartily recommend that you scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "AEROPLANES! or AIR MAIL AVIATORS." He has provided a wealth of information on many other subjects in the field and I am sure you will find much of interest.
The First Aerial Post:
Hendon to Windsor
Windsor to Hendon
     This website offers a very comprehensive, well illustrated revue of the King George V Coronation Aerial Post Flights. It also offers several links which lead to valuable sources of additional information. You can access the site by clicking on the title above.

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