Robert S. Moore
  THE NEW Five Cylinder Radial Engine of the
General Airmotors Company will be known as the
THREE VALVE ENGINE. This valve arrange-
ment is a radical departure from the types general-
ly used up to this time.
     As the practically complete combustion result-
ing from the intake volume and turbulence of this
method of valve construction is realized, the power
value of this method will be fully appreciated.
To read all five pages of the booklet, click on:
Pages 1 & 2
Local Motor-Powered Plane
Arrives Here From Virginia

Pilot Henry Noll, Accompanied by Frank Moore, Son
Of Engine Designer, Steers Craft From
Virginia to Schultzville
     Flying a Kreider-Reisner C-4 plane powered with a motor manufactured by General Airmotors company, Scranton, Henry Noll, pilot at the Scranton airport, Schultzville, and Frank Moore, son of R. S. Moore, designer of the motor, arrived yesterday afternoon at the Avington Hills field after a three-hour hop from Hoover field, Va.
     The fliers left the Virginia airport at 1:10 p.m., and landed at the local field at 4:20 p.m., slightly more than three hours. Noll was at the controls throughout the flight and averaged a speed of eighty-five miles an hour. One stop was made, the local men grounding at Harrisburg to examine the oil.
     Officials of the General Airmotor concern were present at the field when the plane landed. Noll were enthusiastic over the trials of the motor and R. B. McClave, vice-president announced to the little group that the navy department had purchased three motors.
     R. S. Moore announced yesterday in Washington that the fifty-hour test in compliance with government aeronauutic regulations had proved the motor as unquestionably reliable and airworthy.

Airship Factory May
Soon Be Turning Out
Scranton Made Planes

New Aero Club Hears News
Of City's Likelihood of
Early Place on Air Map
Successful One-Cylinder test Is
Made in Record Time of Motor
Being Built Here
The day when Scranton will appear on the air map of the country as one of the ports of call for the zooming argosies of the skies moved nearer last night when organization of the Scranton Aero Club was perfected.
     The organization meeting was held in the Chamber of Commerce. Robert B. McClave was elected president of the new club. The other officers named are: Vice-president, C. C. Demmy, Jr.; treasurer, J. W. Reid; secretary, B. R. Wetenhall; directors, George M. D. Lewis, Frank Hummier, G. A Newman, Paul W. Gardner and Henry Brown
May Land Plane Factory
     If negotiations now in progress are completed successfully, it was stated last night by Mr. McClave, Scranton will soon have its first airplane producing company. The concern will manufacture planes and propellers. It is stated that the firm has no connection with the General Airmotors Company, now being formed here.
     Successful one-cylinder tests of the new airplane motor being designed for manufacturing by the newly-formed General Airmotors Corporation were accomplished yesterday by R. S. Moore, designer and engineer. Mr. Moore has been at work on the new motor at the Weset Manufacturing Company plant since September 11. The significance of this test lies in the short time it has taken to develop the motor to the point.
     "Turning over a one-cylinder test engine," means the end of the preliminary work on the new motor. Four other cylinders will be installed in the ...which will then be ready for.....test imposed by the Bureau of Washington, D. C.... to equip a plane it to Washington......
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