1889-1915 |
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Collection of Jerry Blanchard, 6-27-06 |
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Library of Congress Archive, Courtesy of Greg Powers, 8-23-06 |
Notes from Joy Lumsden September 23, 2002 In December 1911 had "been flying for four months"; had "won some fame as an aviator"; held "the record altitude attained on a Moisant machine - 13,943 feet." Arrived in Kingston Dec 14 1911 on the "Altai" from NY; accompanied by Mr E. DeB. Newman, manager of the Moisant International Aviators, Mr Jose de Zelba and a party of French mechanics (including Andre Ruellan); Seligman's wife. Brought three machines - one complete, parts for the others. Advertisements promised flying displays on Dec 20 and 21 at the Knutsford Park Race Track; in spite of difficult wind conditions on both days Seligman flew his Moisant monoplane as promised - about 5 minutes on the 20th and 15 on the 21st. There are detailed descriptions of the flights and the appreciative spectators in the Jamaican Daily Gleaner for Dec. 21 and 22, 1911. The group left on Dec. 23 for Panama where Seligman hoped to fly across the Isthmus and back following the line of the canal. He promised to fly again in Kingston on his return trip to the USA. |
Request from Joy Lumsden Joy L. |
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Courtesy of Joy Lumsden |
by George Chevalier "While still in Panama Jessie Seligman, another early aviator arrived, to try for the prize. Jessie had been run out of Jamaica for failing to fly and live up to his promises. He brought with him a Bleriot Monoplane and unloaded it on the Cristobal Docks. Jessie again decided not to attempt flight and returned to the States leaving his crated plane behind in Cristobal. It must be remembered that the hot humid weather played havoc with the materials in those early planes. The rubberized wing fabric sagged at times destroying lift and the glue in the propellers wood pieces failed causing them to come apart. Enters now Clarence DeGiers who has Jessie Seligmans plane brought over to the Pacific side and on Sunday, April 21,1912 he flies at La Cabana in the Juan Franco Field in front of 4000 people to be the first and win the prize. One year later Robert Fowler arrives to try to be the first to fly over the Isthmus, ocean to ocean. Using a plane with pontoons he launches forth from Bella Vista Beach with a motion picture cameraman aboard and on Sunday, April 27th he successfully crosses following the canal line. Landing in Cristobal the plane had its pontoon damaged by rocks in shallow water. Back in the states the movie film was eagerly being shown in theaters about the country when Govt. agents swooped down and confiscated all the film it could find claiming it revealed too much of canal and the new fortifications. Immediately laws were enacted which forbid any flights over the Canal Zone without prior permission but aviation had indeed arrived in Panama. It is clear from other websites that the Seligman banking dynasty was involved with the financing of the canal, but there seems no mention of any connection with Jesse Seligman, the aviator. You can read the entire article by clicking on the title above. |
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source: New York Times , December 16, 1915 If you have any information on this Early Flier, please contact me. E-mail to Ralph Cooper Back ![]() ![]() |