William H. Sheahan

What? New Members!

     William H. Sheahan's thirty six years of interest and activity in aeronautics wind up in a nice ..... ...Aviation, along with another E.B. Robert P. Hewitt, late of EAL. Some folks have all the luck!
     It would seem that Atwood's intermediate landing on the beach at Ocean City in July of 1911 on his 12-day flight from Boston to Washington with a pot of beans for the President stirs Sheahan's infant interest and he becomes a fan. He becomes active in the Aero Club of Pennsylvania and writes for Flying and Aircraft. He is on the job when Bergdoll is flying his Wright B in the Philadelphia area in 1912 and to allay his suspense he begins flying himself a 30 h.p. single-seater at the Heinrich school at Hempstead. George Page is there; Harold Kantner and Guy Gilpatric are at adjoining schools.
     He returns to active flying 1920-1922 with Jennies at the Curtiss field on Long Island but is one of those who never acknowledges the sovereignty of the Aero Club in the matter of a pilot "license."
     In 1934 he induces Grover Bergdoll to take his old Wright out of storage and present it to Franklin Institute. The Camden County vocation school boys recondition it and on December 17, 1934, EB Marshall Reid makes 14 flights with it before it is hung in the Hall of Aviation of the Institute. (See Chirp of January 25, 1935.)
     Sheahan (August 22, 1872) has been a member of the Pennsylvania club since 1911 and in 1920 is made an honarary member. He has been treasurer for 25 years and is still going strong.
courtesy of Steve Remington - CollectAir

William H. Sheahan died in 1956
From The Early Birds of Aviation
Roster of Members
January 1, 1993

Editor's Note:
If you have any information on this Early Bird,
please contact me.
E-mail to Ralph Cooper

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