Gallery 9, Post Endurance Flight, 1931
  After the Endurance Flight, Walter and Fred were feted at many receptions. Their feat made front page news in many of the newspapers. The Packard Motor Company threw all of their resources into a publicity campaign which extolled the virtues of their new aircraft diesel engine. However, for various reasons, the diesel engine project was finally abandoned and Walter left Packard for greener pastures.
     After the flight, the plane was returned to Bellanca, refitted with a gasoline engine, and sold to Emperor Haile Selassie to be featured at his coronation. It crashed and burned on takeoff from Roosevelt field on its way to Abyssinia.
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Five Gallon Can Lodged in Strut Lees & Brossy After the Flight Walter Lees And His Family Record Holding Pilots Bring Ship to Detroit
New Flight Record, June 8, 1931 "Official" Packard Photo Fred Brossy & Frank Schulte Walter & Fred, 1931
Bellanca 782W, 1931
Col. Hubert Julian
Col. Hubert Julian Bellanca 782W, 1931
Col. Hubert Julian

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