CHIRP 1930

Bulletin 5 HOTEL CARLTON, WASHINGTON, D. C. 23 April, 1930  

March 2, 1930
     Aviation, particularly schedule air transportation, is right
now on trial before the bar of public opinion. The rate of
progress which aviation will take during the next ten years
will largely be determined within the present year of 1930
and the coming year of 1931
     Is schedule air transportation safe? That is what the
public wishes to know; and the question must be answered
within the next two years.
     Schedule air transportation rates have been reduced to
practically those of rail transportation. This eliminates
the element of cost.
     Air transportation is far faster and more comfortable
than the older methods--acknowledged advantages in
favor of air transportation.
     It's primarily a question of relative safety; upon that
rests the future of the industry.
     We Early Birds know that the airplane, operated within
its capabilities, is safe as compared with other high speed
  vehicles. But we also know that a departure has been made
from this sphere as proved by the far too numerous major
accidents on schedule air lines during the past year. We know,
too, that a majority of these accidents were due to "errors
of the pilot." Going still deeper, we know that in many
cases "heroics" are at the bottom of the difficulty; too much
of the spirit "I'll bring her through just to show them I'm
not yellow."
     We Early Birds are the daddys of aviation and, like other
daddys, must set the example; those of us who are still flying
by our direct example, and the rest of us by our influence
upon the younger generation of pilots.
     We must subserve self and ever keep the good of aviation
uppermost. In passenger air transportation particularly,
we must adopt and consistently support the motto; "Safety
First, and Always."
     This, Brother Early Birds, is my message to you--and
my please.

President, The Early Birds

     THE ANNUAL MEETING. The postponed annual
meeting and election--it's certainly difficult to get the gang
together--was held at the Hotel Lexington, New York, on
February 12, 1930 The following officers were elected:
  Earle Ovington
Frithiof G. Ericson
L. Lansing Callan
B. Russell Shaw
Ernest Jones
Horatio Barber
P. G. B. Morriss
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
3rd Vice President
     There was adopted the proposed resolution that the board of
trustees be added to by one member, the retiring president
becoming trustee for one year. The board of governors,
therefore, consists of the above officers and the following
trustees; whose terms expire as noted:
  A. H. G. Fokker; 1934
Richard H. Depew, Jr.,; 1933
Henry W. Walden; 1932
Raffe Emerson; 1931
Walter R. Brookins; 1930
P. G. B. Morriss
     COMMITTEES FOR 1930. President Ovington has
appointed the following committees to serve the current
year and until the next annual meeting, ratified by the
Governors at their meetings on April 4 and 18, 1930
     Membership Major T. D. Milling, Chairman; J. Lansing
, Vice-Chairman; Frank T. Coffyn, Charles R. Witte-
, Edward R. Armstrong, Robert G. Fowler, Oscar A.
, Dr. J. F. Freund; President and First Vice-President
members ex-officio.
     Resolutions. Floyd Smith, Chairman; Waldo Waterman,
Ralph C. Diggins, Thomas F. Hamilton.
     Welfare B. Russell Shaw, Chairman; Edward A. Stinson,
Clyde V. Cessna, Wm. G. Schauffler, Allan Loughead, Clar-
ence O. Prest
, Charles F. Willard
     Reunion (Program, Dinner, and Entertainment). P. G. B.
, Chairman; John T. H. Whitaker, Louis Gertson,
E. M. Laird, Stewart F. Auer.
       Reunion (Attendance). John M. H. Nichols, Chairman;
Howard F. Wehrle, William D. Parker, A. M. Reid, Horace
B. Wild
, Harvey A. Beilgard, Edward A. Bellande.
     Historical Waldo Waterman, Chairman; Harvey Craw-
, Major Millard F. Harmon, Greely S. Curtis, Wm. W.
, Marjorie Stinson, Israel Ludlow, George Gray,
     Auditing Augustus Post, Chairman; Dean Lamb, Stanley
I. Vaughn
     Trophy Glenn H. Curtiss, Chairman; William T. Thomas,
Igor I. Sikorsky, A. H. G. Fokker, Giuseppe M. Bellanca.
     Finance John R. Sutton, Chairman; Harold E. Hartney,
Richard H. Depew, Jr., Charles F. Day, L. A. Vilas, A. H. G.
     THE NEW YORK EB DINNER. The Los Angeles,
New York and St. Louis nests held more or less simultaneous
blowouts in their respective cities on February 12 and 22,
during the two air shows.
     After guarantees that acrobatics from chandeliers and other
disastrous stunts would be quelled at inception, the Hotel
Commodore lighted up the grand ball room for the 400 odd
EB's and guests. Colonel Peter J. Brady, President of the
Federation Bank and Chairman of the Mayor's Aeronautic
Committee, co-author of the Doolittle-Brady bill for the
improvement in the situation respecting wayward girls,
was toastmaster. The role of Leonardo da Vinci was taken
by Dr. Christmas who called attention to the fact that after
all, Len had the right idea. Otto Lilienthal was present
in the spirit of Carl Dienstbach, friend of Lilienthal, who
went with major Hildebrandt to Dayton in 1907 when the
French and German governments were wondering whether
the Wrights really flew.
     Greely S. Curtis, Lilienthal glider pupil and one time a
member of the firm of Burgess Co. and Curtis which in-
troduced the inherently stable Dunne to this country, told
of the real inception of the glider movement. Other guests
were Rex Gilmartin, commander of Aviators Post, American

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